Ukai, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Ukai, S.A.
Ribera de Elorrieta, 7-C
48015 Bilbao (Bizkaia) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑944745252  
🖷:  +34‑944759710
Distributor of electronic components for industrial and domestic use

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Ukai, S.A.

Our main lines of work are semiconductors, optoelectronics and the main devices of energy Conversion or any existing element within a plate within the company: one dedicated to the Industrial Sector and the other dedicated to the consumption Sector, in both cases always within the electronic market. Our main lines of work are semiconductors, optoelectronics and the Power Conversion devices or any other existing element inside an electronica.ra plate therefore multiple contacts in the main sources of supply and manufacture of components USA, Asia and Europe preferably.
Our main lines of work are semiconductors, optoelectronics and the Power Conversion devices or any other existing element within an electronic board.

Likewise, our efforts to the attention of the consumer electronic Sector are aimed preferably towards the following areas:-accumulation of energy. In batteries and batteries of all kinds, we have one of the most comprehensive catalogs of the market with brands such as SAMSUNG, SANYO or RAYOVAC represented.
-Transformation of energy-electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector-Electricity Sector.types of AC voltage before either DC.
-Electrical sector. In this sector, recent addition to our company, include products such as: energy saving lamps, halogen lamps, insulating tape and connection terminals. Since that time, the new facilities are equipped of:-a section of design and packs all technical advice, whether they are NI-CD, Ni-Mh, lithium-ion battery, lead acid or other technologies.CIO of all our customers, whether industrial or consumer, a new activity that many customers were already suing us: "A section of production", for the manufacture of rechargeable battery Packs.
Since that time, the new facilities are equipped of:-a section of design and packs all technical advice, whether they are NI-CD, Ni-Mh, lithium-ion battery, lead acid or other technologies.
-Line of automatic welding of terminals with machinery adequate to the purpose-Control of quality-Control of quality-Control of Our packs are always formed by cells of the highest quality, with the timely selection and the most prestigious brands that appear in our General Catalog of consumption.
-Line mass production for long series in our partner factory in Asia.
In short, our activity is based on the knowledge gained through 16 years of experience in the field of energy accumulation.