Sabadell Smart Congress 2015 - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Sabadell Smart Congress 2015
Fira de Sabadell - Tres Creus, 202
08203 Sabadell (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑937453371  

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


The SBD Smart Congress will be the meeting point catalan, Spanish and European where to find the latest trends in the world of smart cities.

Speakers recognized national and international will give his view on cities in all its dimensions: economic, energy, environmental, social, technological and political.

Presentations, round tables and spaces to show and apply the r & d of technological base, both large multinationals and the small creative entrepreneurs live. A unique meeting opportunity in an only space all relevant players in the universe of the "smart cities": public bodies, companies, research centres and small entrepreneurs.

In addition, visits to the "smart" realities in the public space and the equipment of Sabadell will allow understanding the importance of new technologies in a European city of size medium situated in a region of high industrial and financial dynamism.

The Congress aims to anticipate the future needs of the citizens and empower the knowledge economy to become the first creative source of wealth in the European Union, in accordance with the Europe 2020 strategy.

Objectives of Congress to promote the work in network and the exchange of experiences between all stakeholders involved in the management of the "smart cities".
Show how the smart cities will help the economic recovery.
Exemplify as the application of new technologies allows a reduction in costs, improving the quality of services offered to the citizens.
Justify the need for an optimization of resources for the achievement of environmental sustainability goals.
Show the latest innovations in terms of traffic for more efficient circulation control systems.
Offer a space of creativity to the small entrepreneurs and put you in touch with large technology companies, services and institutions.
Public target professionals involved in urban management in the broadest sense of the term: public managers; representatives of enterprises and entrepreneurs providers of technologies and services oriented to the city; consultants, researchers and students in the fields of ingeniarías them, urbanism, architecture, economics, geography, medicine and the environment, particularly on those aspects related to the cities.