Suimco Materiales, S.L.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Suimco Materiales, S.L.L.
Vern, 8
17452 Massanes (Girona) Spain
☎:  +34‑972863020   +34‑972863040  
🖷:  +34‑972874455
Manufacture of products for waterproofing

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Suimco Materiales, S.L.L.

Suimco, is a company founded in 2009. Born of the Association in working form of a team of people with extensive experience in the development, management and application of products for waterproofing in its various forms and materials as well as surface drainage concrete polymer, plastic and stainless steel.

Suimco provides a wide range of materials accredited with CE certificate and the manufacturer's warranty, as well as providing experience, quality, warranty and service.
The company's philosophy work well done, quality and commitment.