Pramac Ibérica, S.A.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Pramac Ibérica, S.A.U.
Mario Campinoti, 1 - Parque Empresarial Polaris World
30591 Balsicas (Murcia) Spain
☎:  +34‑968334900   +34‑968334954  
🖷:  +34‑968577321
Manufacturer of groups electógenos

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Pramac Ibérica, S.A.U.

The group Pramac represents a solid industrial reality, from the production until the commercialisation.
It operates in more than 180 countries, through a network of compound distribution by 17 commercial subsidiaries and 4 productive installations.
His strong international presence has consolidated in the sectors of the power generators and of the maintenance of interior, thanks to an aggressive growth that has allowed him reach the most diversified markets and demanding.
PRAMAC Is a young and dynamic company, but with strong roots, fed by his big experience. This experience obtained of the fusion of different productive realities, has carried him to focus all his efforts to an only aim: offer the best solutions to our customers.
Of the work in team, the operative flexibility, gives like result a commercial and productive presence global.
Of the narrow relation with the sport and his values, PRAMAC has developed a new commercial structure, that has allowed him answer of the best way to the needs of each market.
In the sector of the production of electrical power, the generators PRAMAC enter in the market more than 1.300.000 kVA every year, delivered in a range that goes of 1 to 2.600 kVA of power, offering solutions for each requirement:
Power where does not arrive the electrical network
uninterruptible Power where the network can not leave to work
Power for the
work Power for the free time
At the same time, PRAMAC offers a professional line of machines like water washers, motorised welding equipment, motobombas, groups with taking of strength for tractor and systems for the maintenance, guaranteeing the maximum provision and a high reliability.
In the sector of the maintenance PRAMAC produces a complete range of Pallet trucks and Stackers, so much manual like electronic, offering also a service of personalización (Special Solutions) to adapt the different products to the requirements of each application.
The big experience of the group Pramac and his philosophy of company, concentrate also in the participation from the 2002 to the world-wide championship of MotoGP: dynamism, passion, work of team constitute a strategic election of the company and of the team of MotoGP PRAMAC-D'ANTIN.