Pladur Gypsum, S.A.U. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Pladur Gypsum, S.A.U.
Ctra. de Andalucía, km 30.200
28343 Valdemoro (Madrid) Spain
☎:  +34‑900353635  
🖷:  +34‑918098806
Systems of tabiquería inner

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Pladur Gypsum, S.A.U.

In the spring of 1979 the Register of the Patent rights (at present Spanish Office of Patents and Marks) conceded officially the patent of a new mark, until then absolutely unknown: Pladur.

The history had begun a year before, when in the month of February of 1978 the company designated Epysa (Spaniard of Plate of Plaster) whose majority partner was the Group Uralita, decided to commercialise in Spain panels of plaster for the construction of

Interiors under the name of Pladur, that meant “Plate of Uralita”.
The product presented for the first time in the International Fair of Barcelona, in what today it is the Living room known like Construmat. It was the star of the stand of the Group Uralita, with continuous demonstrations in direct of the form to do a septum, a trasdosado to line walls, how do invisible the boards between plates etc. Novelties then, that today constitute the daily work of a big number of professionals of the construction.

Initially it mattered from other countries of Europe, but so only two years afterwards and given the good course of the product, decides open in Spain the first factory of Pladur, in Saragossa.

To finals of the 80 the production of the factory of Saragossa began to be insufficient, because of the fast growth of the demand. Therefore, in 1990 it inaugurated a new factory of Pladur, this time in Valdemoro (Madrid), the project of construction lasted 3 years (1987-90).

At present the factory of Pladur of Valdemoro has the most advanced industrial technology in the manufacture of Constructive Systems to base of Plate of Plaster Laminado, and in her, manufacture the most important components of the Constructive Systems Pladur®: Plates, Plates Transformed, Profiles and pastas Pladur, in addition to having a plant of recycling for the material of rejection in manufacture.

In brief Pladur will have a second productive centre situated in the place zaragozana of Gelsa.


... More near of all

With a line of skilled attention for all the professionals of the sector (architects, installers, promoters, constructors, companies of reform, particular, etc.) for the advice of products and services Pladur, technical documentation,

... Through the telephone 902 023 023 or

- With more than 300 points of distribution.

- With a forum Pladur specialised in giving service to the installation and with all the information Pladur in

- Version web for mobile.

- In social networks: channel Pladur in YouTube, group ‘architects, engineers and professional of the construction' in Linkedin

- And everything, with the guarantee of marks it leader: Pladur