Metalurgia Pons LIM, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Metalurgia Pons LIM, S.L.
Av. Industrial - Pol. Ind. La Troxa parc. 5 - Apartado Correos 3
07730 Alaior (Balears) Spain
☎:  +34‑971371069   +34‑971371052  
🖷:  +34‑971372860

The vicinity of the company location is being shown.

Metalurgia Pons LIM, S.L.

LIM is a mark created in 1925 that at present manufactures and commercialises Metallurgy Pons, Sintes and Petrus, S.L.

In these years the company has positioned like one of the few European companies of greater specialisation in the manufacture of hinges and ironingwork for furniture, construction, appliances, estuchería and nautical.

It has of a technical and productive level that allows him even develop specific articles for the needs of a customer and concrete country.

At present the products LIM distribute mainly in Europe and the American continent.

In 75 years have attained to create a big company, specialised in a small product.

The department of preproducción has of the human resources and the most modern technology to apply the quality, design and resistance to each new product, guaranteeing his perfect operation, adaptability and durability.