Maydisa, Materiales y Diseños, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Maydisa, Materiales y Diseños, S.A.
Pol. Ind. Coats Fabra
08571 Borgonyà (Barcelona) Spain
☎:  +34‑902250101   +34‑938512767  
🖷:  +34‑902250102
Manufacture of Windows for roof, doors, stairs and wooden Venetian blinds and other materials for construction and water treatment

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Maydisa, Materiales y Diseños, S.A.

Since its inception in 1977 Maydisa is geared towards the marketing of innovative high quality products in order to provide a total service to the customer. Sells products that contribute to building advanced solutions and at the same time, more human and respectful of the environment, to contribute to a healthy and sustainable architecture.

Maydisa relies on its products because it helps that increasingly is built better and serve better. Our philosophy pushes us to work as a team and to give a better service. It is thanks to your confidence.