Master Builders Solutions España, S.L.U - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Master Builders Solutions España, S.L.U
Carretera de l’Hospitalet 147-149 CityPark Edificio Viena 1a planta.
08940 Cornellà de Llobregat (Barcelona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑936194646  
Manufacture and commercialisation of chemical products for the construction

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Master Builders Solutions España, S.L.U

The group BASF operates in all the present stages in the processes of chemical transformation to offer to his customers a wide range of products for crowd of sectors and applications.riales Chemical and with roughly 385 centres of local production all over the world, that cover practically the whole of the geographic areas of the planet.

The group BASF operates in all the present stages in the processes of chemical transformation to offer to his customers a wide range of products for crowd of sectors and applications. The segmentation of the products and the sectors of activity compose the 6 Units of Business on which structures the company and his divisions, organise of a vertical way in such a way that a Unit can serve the fundamental raw materials employees in another Unit. The unit of Oil & gas is the first Unit of the chain, that devotes to the extraction equipment equipment and distribution of fuels fossils for his back transformation in other derivatives that are successively transformed until arriving to the specific products for each sector in particular, as for example for the division of Agricultural Solutions, focalizada in particular in the agricultural sector, and of course the division of Construction Chemicals, that supplies products to the market of the construction.
BASF Construction Chemicals Spain

BASF Construction Chemicals Spain, with more than 30 present years in the sector of the Spanish construction, are a team of more than 130 present people in all the geography of the country, with 3 centres of production and distribution situated in Marchamalo, Cabanillas (both in Guadalajara) and Improved of the Field (Madrid).To the of the chain of production of the products that supplies, from the extraction equipment equipment of the oil or natural gas, his first processing to manufacture the intermediate products and until the last much more specific transformations to adapt the products to the needs of each market, of each region in particular and even of each customer.

BASF Construction Chemicals Spain

BASF Construction Chemicals Spain, with more than 30 present years in the sector of the Spanish construction, are a team of more than 130 present people in all the geography of the country, with 3 centres of production and distribution situated in Marchamalo, Cabanillas (both in Guadalajara) and Improved of the Field (Madrid). We have a laboratory of R&D to attend the needs of the local market and his customers, in Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona) and have also of a laboratory of support to our Technical Service situated in our plant of Improved of the Field.

About Master Builders Solutions

With Master Builders Solutions, BASF enters a global mark of chemical solutions advanced for the construction. The new mark bases in the strength of a lot of marks and products BASF already existent, and represents our experience of more than 100 years in the sector of the construction.
Master Builders Solutions Gathers under an alone mark all the experience and knowledges of BASF in the creation of chemical solutions for new work, maintenance, repair and renewal of structures. Master Builders Solutions Bases in the experience obtained along more than a century in the sector of the construction.

The complete catalogue gathered under the mark Master Builders Solutions includes durable solutions for the construction, the maintenance, the repair and the renewal of structures:

- Additive for concrete
- Additive for cement
- Solutions for subterranean construction
- Mortars of high performance
- Solutions of repair and protection of concrete
- Solutions of impermeabilización
- Selladores
- Solutions for pavings of high performance

Our terminology standardised concerning the mark Master Builders Solutions presents our catalogue of a clear and easy way to understand. Each name of product represents a field of application, a function or a performance.

The knowledges and the experience of the global community of experts under construction of BASF are the essence of the mark Master Builders Solutions.

- We combine the suitable elements of our catalogue to resolve his challenges of specific construction.
- Ours collaboration covers diverse areas of knowledge and regions and has the backrest of the experience obtained in projects of construction all over the world.
- We take advantage of the global technologies of BASF and our thorough knowledge of the needs of the sectors of the local construction to develop innovations that will help him to have a greater success and promote a sustainable model of construction.

The mark Master Builders Solutions of BASF represents the sum of our experience in chemical solutions, available for you from the conception until the conclusion of his projects of construction.