Gewiss Ibérica, S.A. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Gewiss Ibérica, S.A.
C/ Gabriel García Márquez nº 4, Edif. Ximad, Parque empresarial de Las Rozas de Madrid
28232 Las Rozas de Madrid (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑916707100  
🖷:  +34‑918828201
Manufacturer of equipment of Industrial and residential lighting.

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


GEWISS Is cream in 1970 and keeps growing with the philosophy of the “development like constant factor of the gestión ”: a continuous evolution along the years of all his components, from the products, the market, the structures to the value and the communication.
“Listen” the market has been from always a fundamental priority in the strategy of GEWISS, and his maximum is to try perceive the exigencias of this and foresee the changes. His aim is to realise the “global system of installation”, adopting two essential concepts: the innovation and the quality.

1970/1980 The starts

The use of the tecno-polymer in the electrical installations supposes a revolutionary innovation that comports a greater hygiene, functionality, ease of installation and aesthetic performance. The external receptacle conceives immediately like system to the service of the derivación and distribution of electrical power.
In this decade takes place the inauguration of the installations in Cenate Sopra (Bérgamo), that with the step of the years will arrive to have 6.000 m2 of surface. Another significant moment, in 1975, supposes it the conversion of the company of private company to anonymous society (S.p.To.)

1981/1990 The development

The offer of GEWISS presents increasingly like global solution of installation in the civil sector, tertiary and industrial, as it shows it the extension of the catalogue that at present gathers the 1.000 products.
In 1988 GEWISS lives a moment historical with the cotización in the Stock exchange of Milan. To the half of the decade the turnover surpasses the 25 billion of lyres, cuadriplicándose to finals of the years '80.

1991/2000 Process of internationalisation

This decade begins with the inauguration of the technological and productive pole of Cenate Sotto (Bérgamo), that allows that it produce the big jump in the capacity of production of the company. In the second half of the 90 intensifies the process of internationalisation that thanks to the acquisition of other European companies leaders of the sector, drives to the learning of the Group GEWISS.
At present the mark GEWISS can offer a wallet of only products, with more than 15.000 references: the widest range for the “global system of international ” installation.
In 1997 GEWISS enters in the sector of the automatic switches, and does it in quality of leader, with the compact of the Series 90, the only in the world with two poles protected with an alone module. From principles of the 2000 put in operation the New Logistical Pole -Technological of Calcinate (Bérgamo), that enjoys of a strategic position that allows him cover all Centroeuropa in a radius of 1.000 Km.
From his perspective of a global market, in February of 2001 GEWISS inaugurated the new portal devoted to the sector electrotécnico.