Geonovatek - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
de los Enebros, 5
28860 Paracuellos de Jarama (Madrid) Spain

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☎:  +34‑916584694  
Underpinning of foundations

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Geonovatek solves the problems of Foundation and seat inclination of the buildings through the use of an innovative technology that consists in consolidating and increasing the bearing capacity of land through injections of expansive resin combined with the driving of micropiles to pressure in real time.

Experience gained in hundreds of interventions carried out by qualified personnel and with own equipment, guarantees a wide technical and operational experience which allows to solve the various problems related to seats produced in all sorts of superficial foundations.

GeoNovatek develops his work in the Iberian Peninsula and the archipelago Canary and Balearic Islands, within the sector of the underpinning of foundations and the consolidation of the land.
Once developed and proven the effectiveness of the use of expansive resins in different chemical compositions, proceeded to the study and verification of another method non-invasive foundation underpinning, piling pressure of micropiles, whose purpose is to transmit the weight of the structure to deeper and more resistant strata. structures, caused by a failure in that feature.

Once developed and proven the effectiveness of the use of expansive resins in different chemical compositions, proceeded to the study and verification of another method non-invasive foundation underpinning, piling pressure of micropiles, whose purpose is to transmit the weight of the structure to deeper and more resistant strata. Combining both techniques, gets an optimum result in the consolidation of the land and the underpinning of the Foundation.

Both Novatek and GeoNovatek, work more than 10 years in the field of the consolidation of the land and the underpinning of foundations, having obtained such an experience that can meet a wide range of problems arising from a seat in the Foundation. Its fields of application are varied, single-family homes, apartment buildings, industrial buildings, historic buildings, structures, pools, roads, railways, etc.

The work references are our best guarantee, having worked both for individuals and for private companies, public agencies, non-governmental organizations and religious entities.

Some of the techniques most used and well known in the sector are:-injections of ultra-compact expansive resin at various depths; -Micropiles MPR/60 steel S355 driven pressure; -Micropiles self-drilling AP to rotation in steel 34MNB5; -Columnar armed resin injections.