Fundación La Casa Que Ahorra - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Fundación La Casa Que Ahorra
Del Tambre, 21
28002 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑609103801  
Business Foundation

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Leading companies in the construction sector come together and launch the Foundation House that saves. With one main objective: raise awareness among all sectors of society about the importance of energy efficiency in the building and the benefits they can bring to economic and energy-saving, environmental protection and job creation. In addition, incorporating criteria of acoustic comfort and passive safety fire to the definition of sustainable housing.
The House which saves contains everything you need to make our home a machine live efficient, comfortable, good for us and good for our planet.

Mission and objectives the Foundation the House which saves you want to promote, firstly, conservation, improvement and defence of the environment and nature through all kinds of activities to promote, sponsor, promote or finance, research, innovation, development and training in the field of energy efficiency.

The Foundation has as specific objectives:-the promotion of energy efficiency and reduction of energy consumption associated with building Park residential and tertiary, both the existing and the new construction in Spain.
-The contribution to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions arising from the energy consumption of the buildings, the impulse and the proposed improvements in the constructive characteristics, in order to maximize energy and minimize their energy demand.
-The promotion of the construction of energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly buildings with the environment, promoting the use of materials and procedures for building innovative and technologically developed and promoting the highest standards of quality in terms of acoustic comfort and passive safety against fire.
-Improve the quality of life of citizens, both from an individual perspective, in the case of those who make use of energy-efficient buildings, as from a social and collective vision through the reduction of the impact associated with sustainable energy consumption.