Feria de Zaragoza - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Feria de Zaragoza
A2, Km-311
50012 Zaragoza Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑976764700   +34‑975764765  
w:  www.feriazaragoza.com
Entity ferial

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Feria de Zaragoza

Fair of Saragossa, projection of future

The Fair of Saragossa initiated his activity in the year 1941, with the celebration of a Living room of general character.

Following the tendencies and the evolution of the sectors that integrated this contest, went developing a series of monographic Living rooms in the measure in that the distinct industrial states required it.

The philosophy of the Fair of Saragossa has centred in the realisation of living rooms of a high technical level and specialised in the respective sectors, what has carried him to situate in command of the demonstrations feriales Europeans in no few contests.

The sectors of the machinery for the construction and the public works, the agricultural machinery, the management of the water and the environingingment in all his facets, the equipment of cellars, the technicians for the viticultural exploitations, the livestock, the new technologies or the power, form part of the content of his more skilled fairs.