Federación de Gremios de La Construcción - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Federación de Gremios de La Construcción
Av. Rey Juan Carlos 92, P. 3 - Of. 14
28916 Leganés (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑911591319  
w:  www.gremios.org

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


The Federation of unions of the construction is general to promote entrepreneurial activity of the different guilds in the sector of construction, advocating and demanding the highest levels of safety, quality and integrity.

The objectives and general purpose of the entity are as follows: representation, defence and promotion of the sector's economic, social and professional interests, in general, and of its members, as a group with common interests.
Resolution of problems common to the federated entities, and which are of interest to everyone.
Organization and promotion of activities and services common, of interest to members, professional, economic, care, nature of forecast and analogues.
Coordinate and enhance communication and outreach activities of the entities of Member Federation.
To ensure free competition in the sector is not altered by practices that violate it.
To protect its members against situations of professional intrusion.
Establish and maintain relations and eventually integrate into, or collaborate with business and professional organizations of provincial, regional, State, European or international level, representing interests related to the Federation or its members own.
To provide advice and training to members in the area of occupational risk prevention related to the subject of the Federation.
Give advice and training to members in the field of regulatory of business activity of construction.
The possibility of a collective agreement for the companies that are part of the Federation, so that, it contribute, in parallel with trade unions, to the defence and promotion of the economic and social interests that proper.
To represent institutional collective administrations and public bodies.
How many others of a similar nature are considered necessary or convenient or are entrusted to him by law.

It is also a primary purpose of the Federation organize promotion activities professional activities specialized within the different construction unions.

Obtaining the support and institutional cooperation in these ends, which may be complemented by others which proposes to the General Assembly, shall be deemed preferential.

If you want to get more information as well as to address any issue that it deems appropriate, do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat of the Confederation.