Clem, S.A. - Clemsa - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Clem, S.A. - Clemsa
Av. La Fuente Nueva, 12, Nave 8
28703 San Sebastián de Los Reyes (Madrid) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑902117801   +34‑913581110  
🖷:  +34‑917293309
Remote controls And automatisms for doors

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Delegación Rubí (Barcelona)

Clemsa - Barcelona

Av. Can Sucarrats, Nau 8 - Pol. Ind. Cova Solera

08191 Rubí


Delegación Sedaví (Valencia)

Clemsa - Valencia

Sequía Calvera, 5º B - Pol. Ind. Sedaví

46910 Sedaví


Delegación Alcalá de Guadaira (Sevilla)

Clemsa - Sevilla

La Red Quince, 2 - Pol. Ind. La Red Sur

41500 Alcalá de Guadaira


Delegación Vigo (Galicia)

Clemsa - Galicia

Av. Alcalde de Lavadores, 115, Bj

36214 Vigo


Delegación Taco (Tenerife)

Clemsa - Canarias

Av. Los Majuelos, 42, Edif. Ibis, Local, 3

38107 Taco

☎:+34‑922958846   +34‑648275200  

Delegación Leganés

Clemsa - Madrid Sur

Lluvia, 14 - Pol. Ind. San José de Valedras

28918 Leganés


Delegación Basauri-Vizcaya

Clemsa - Bilbao

Bastegi, 7 - Pol. Ind. Artunduaga

48970 Basauri


Delegación Málaga

Faac - Málaga

Pol. Alameda-Jose Ortega y Gasset, 188, Nave 3

29006 Málaga


Delegación San Ginés (Murcia)

Clemsa - Murcia

Av. Francisco Salcillo, Parcela, 22/2 - Pol. Oeste

30169 San Ginés



CLEMSA Is an international company of capital 100% Spanish. His products sell in more than 30 countries, being the company leader in Spain in the manufacture of Remote controls and Automatisms for Doors.

CLEMSA Is a company devoted to the manufacture and sale of automatisms and remote controls for doors. The range of products of CLEMSA covers all the appearances that can need the professional for the automation of any type of door, of an easy way, simple and of quality.

Between this wide range of equipment that CLEMSA puts near at hand of the professionals, fits to stand out; the accionamientos for doors, so much hydraulics like electromechanical, (already are of garage, peatonales, barriers, peatonales of glass), and the remote controls, keys and cards “without contact” RFID, that give a global image of the total of the products of the company that go from the automation of any type of door, of a fast and reliable way, until the safe and comfortable opening of accesses and all this with a maximum quality.

No only remains here the range of products CLEMSA, but it also has of another series of necessary products for the professional automation of doors, as it can be all the range of accessories for the accionamientos and a lot of more products that contribute a big fan of solutions to the professional. Besides to facilitate the setting of these professional installations, CLEMSA offers to his customers a series of kits in which it found all the necessary for a fast professional installation, simple and economic.

The final mission that has proposed CLEMSA, is to give solutions to the measure of the customer, facilitating of this way the work of the professional. To fulfil his aim, CLEMSA has surrounded of a wide staff of professionals in the sector, as well as of a wide coverage, since we have a total of 10 delegations delivered by all Spain, with which obtain a nearer presence to our customer.

CLEMSA Adds to this big witnesses some services of attention to the complementary customer, as they are; a free telephone of attention, a service of skilled technical attention and an up to date web page where the customer will find all the information that need, when it need it.

The combination of all these appearances, do that the customer see facilitated his work and optimised his time, by that more than 30 years in the sector does to CLEMSA know, comprise and offer the products and the service that the customers sue.