Asociación de Fabricantes y Constructores de Casas de Madera (AFCCM) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación de Fabricantes y Constructores de Casas de Madera (AFCCM)
Hileras, 17 - 1º C
28013 Madrid Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑915478943  
🖷:  +34‑915476269
Professional organisation of manufacturers of wooden houses

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


The Association of manufacturers and Constructors of wooden Houses (AFCCM) is a professional organisation of national field that founded the day 16 October 2000. It is inscribed in the National Register of Associations of the Home Office, with the national number 167.469 of the section 1ª. They integrate it the most important companies of the sector and forms part, like member of right plenary of the Spanish Federation of Industries of the Wood (FEIM), organisation that engloba to all the sectors related with the wood.

Like business association does not have encourage of lucre and is engaged in the defence of the common interests of his members, acting in the following steerings:

  1. Improve the knowledge that the public in general and the distinct estamentos of the Administration, has of our houses.
  2. Boost continuously the development and the quality, so much of our houses as of the companies that produce them.
  3. Act like media of our professional sector with the society.