Asociación Ibérica de Poliestireno Extruido (Aipex) - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Asociación Ibérica de Poliestireno Extruido (Aipex)
Numancia 185, 2º 2ª
08034 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑669763456   +34‑935343416  
🖷:  +34‑935343492
Iberian Association of extruded polystyrene

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%


Aipex represents producers of extruded polystyrene, its object is to defend, promote, research and perfecting the manufacturing of articles with this material. Aipex was created in December 2004, with headquarters in Madrid and a territorial area covering Spain and Portugal.

Aipex is an entity constituted non-profit, whose main objectives are to publicize the quality of polystyrene products extruded, disseminate the manufacture in accordance with the technical standards and promote compliance with the legal requirements that affect them.

In addition, Aipex promotes the use of polystyrene extruded as insulation material in the construction sector.