Sikkens Wood Coatings - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Sikkens Wood Coatings
Feixa Llarga, 14-20
08040 Barcelona Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑934842681  
🖷:  +34‑935708899
Manufacture of paintings, varnishes and enamels

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Sikkens Wood Coatings

It is the greater world-wide company of paintings and enamels. But also like manufacturer of special chemicals, supply articles of first to producers of all the world.

Akzo Nobel Coatings, S.L., no only the present exerts a decisive paper, but also the future. They offer innovative and sustainable solutions for profit of the commercial partners, customers and shareholders. Thus, some 60.000 employees in more than 80 countries are engaged with offering the answers of the morning: Tomorrow's Answers Today.

The business area of Sikkens for wooden constructions belongs, from principles of 2010, to the unit of business Akzo Nobel Wood Finishes and Adhesives.


Sikkens: A history of success.

From his constitution in 1792, the company has surrendered a lot: growth by means of a demand in peak, big developments and important fusions. Do an idea of the history with the most notable data.

The painter Wiert Willem Sikkens, established in Groningen, begins to produce enamels that sells to other painters and other customers. Like this it is cream the mark Sikkens.

Geert Willem, that assumes the business of his father, does to participate to his coined Willem Penaat in the production of enamels. In this way it arises the company G. W. Sikkens & Co., a name that soon turns into synonymous of quality and craftsmanship.

it builds the first factory out of Groningen. Shortly after it follows him a branch in Emden to be able to give answer also to the increasing pertinent demand of Germany.

Inauguration of another factory in the industrial polygon of Helpmann of Groningen. Later, the complex complements with a laboratory to control the quality and develop new products.

Sikkens launches the enamel of cellulose whose manufacture takes place in a special factory. The new enamel projected uses especially in the industrial bouquet

With the synthetic enamel Rubbol AZ, begins a new was for the profession of the painter. Already then, Sikkens keeps informed to people of all the sector on modern products and methods of processing

All the company moves of Groningen to Sassenheim. Sikkens Takes advantage of the pause forzosa of the II World-wide War to develop artificial resins in his laboratories.

The work of development during the war carries to the creation of the factory of artificial resins "Synthese" that today receives the name of Akzo Nobel Kunstharze. Besides, Sikkens presents an efficient plan of maintenance that guarantees the protection of the buildings in the long term and saves costs.

Development of the German market by means of the opening of the first headquarters in Pinneberg, near of Hamburg. At the same time, Sikkens does , during the decades of 1950 and 1960, with famous manufacturers like Alpha (plastic painting), Flexa (painting for bricolaje), Smits' (enamel for work and nautical painting), and Cetabever (varnish). In Belgium, Sweden, Italy and Germany open other units of production. All the centres of production, together with the factories of raw materials like "Synthese", conform the holding Sikkens

Koninklijke Zout Kette (KZK) merges with the group Sikkens.

These merge with Koninklijke Zwanenberg Organon (KZO).

KZO reagrupa then with AKU, Algemene Kunstzijde Unie, and like this arises Akzo. In Germany the factory of painting Lesonal and in Astral France are bought and, together with the group Sikkens, conform Akzo Coatings. Like this it assent the base for the growth to western and east Europe, North America and Suramérica, and Asia and Africa.

Akzo merges with the Swedish society Nobel, specialised from 1871 in enamels and varnishes of polishing, to give place to Akzo Nobel. The recognised marks of Nobel, like the enamels Rubbol, the lasures Cetol and the plastic paintings Alpha, are supported by his big quality offered from 1792.