Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Llanas y talochas


Sponges and talochas with sponge: with ergonomic mango and manufactured in cellulose for a maximum absorption and resistance to the abrasion

Picture of Sponges and talochas with sponge
The sponges and talochas with sponge compose a range of products, of apparent simplicity but of big importance, because of his use generalised by all the colocadores, especially in the processes of final finishing.

In his catalogue, Rubi has spongy materials, that combine distinct degrees of absorption with distinct levels of hardness and resistance to the abrasion. Thanks to the use of materials of new generation, some sponges, already are sponges or talochas with sponge, can arrive to duplicate the capacity of absorption of a traditional sponge, facilitating the task of the professional and reducing the necessary time to realise a lot of tasks of cleaning and finishing.

The range of talochas with sponge has entered an ergonomic mango, adaptable to bases recambiables. With this system, the user has of an only mango, to the that can join up, in question of seconds, until 14 types of bases with sponge or gomaespuma.

This solution, comfortable and functional, allows an important saving, since only it is necessary a mango and when the sponge degrades by the use, the user only has to purchase the base with sponge of the quality wished, reutilizando the mango.

The sponges of cellulose of last generation surpass the level of absorption and the resistance to the abrasion. In addition to his excellent provision, one of the reasons to include this type of sponge in the range is his optimum compatibility with the mortars epoxi of new composition, totally incompatible with sponges that are not of cellulose.

The sponge of cellulose has applied to the group of the range, with what is available so much in distinct formats, already was classical sponge, mixed sponge of double expensive, talochas with sponge and talochas with sponge recambiables.

With this material, the range Rubi of useful for the cleaning and final finishings of the work is very wide and extensive, absolute guarantee to satisfy the needs of the users.