Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Otras herramientas y accesorios para construcción e instaladores


Crossheads for boards: packed in boxes of cardboard

Picture of Crossheads for boards
Rubi Presents his range of crossheads packed in boxes of cardboard.

These crossheads, in place to be packed in plastic bags, serve in boxes of cardboard of base and wide mouth, to endow them of good stability, since the users value especially the possibility to drag the box to measure that advance in the process of placing. Besides, the boxes have been designed to be comfortable to use and resistant, since it is also important not forgetting the function of storage between solado and solado.

Obviously, the same that the rest of the range, these crossheads are of big quality, with absolute homogeneity between games and perfect precision in his heights, thanks to the absence of rebabas. They are, in definite, indispensable to ensure ones of perfect finishings