Rubi Group - Germans Boada, S.A. - Flexómetros y cintas métricas

Rubi Cintas métricas

Metric stravel: of distinct measures and widths

Picture of Metric stravel
As I complement to the wide range of flexómetros of distinct measures and widths, recognised officially by GBSA in his own laboratories of metrology, Rubi has incorporated recently to his catalogue metric stravel of long length to satisfy the needs of all the professionals of the construction.

The offer has expanded with models of metric strip with distinct available measures for each type. By a part, the current catalogue Rubi has metric stravel of 10, 20, 30 and 50 metres of length, endowed of carcasa in material highly resistant to the impact and strip in fiberglass.

Finally, they have incorporated also to the general catalogue Rubi two metric stravel plus of 30 and 50 m, endowed of a practice roasts ergonomic and instrumented with an useful system of collected fast of the strip. In his manufacture have used also material highly resistant, so much in the carcasa as in the strip.