Iberfluid Instruments, S.A. - Módems, radiomódems y otros equipos de transmisión de datos


Points of access: for classified zones

Picture of Points of access
Iberfluid Complements his range of points of access for classified zones with the device IWAP201To. The launching of this module, allows to have of a robust solution (carcasa in stainless steel AISI316) to cover applications in zones potentially explosive and with humid environingingments and corrosivos.

With capacity of operation to 2,4 GHz or 5 GHz, the IWAP201To is instrumented with an individual module easily configurable. Alternatively it has of systems of protection in front of electrical downloads, systems of thermal sensors and different conditioning options regarding the type of antenna to use.

The flexibility in the configuration of this type of modules, inherent in all the equipment that Extronics proposes, allows to the customer achieve the most adapted solution for his application, already was in chemical industries, petrochemical, pharmaceutical or alimentary. The IWAP201To can be used of the following form:

Used in way point of access, allows to create an industrial wireless network 802.11 to connect portable devices such as PDA's, PC's portable or registers of tag's active WIFI RFID.

Used like node, the unit can manage any device with interface 10/100 Ethernet, as for example cameras Atex IP (also available in our catalogue). Other options MODBUS/TCP or PROFINET also can be connected to the IWAP.

Finally also it can be used like repetidor of network (WDS) with the end to expand the zone of coverage.