Mosnic-Irudex, S.L. - Filtros autolimpiantes

Mosnic - Irudex RDII, RDIII, RC

Drum filters: self-cleaning filtration final or primary

Picture of Drum filters
Self-cleaning rotating drum, with built-in chips extractor filter, suitable for treating both magnetizable chips as non-magnetisable, and a small or medium-sized chips. The average filter employee varies depending on the required degree of filtration.

For the treatment of magnetizable and non-magnetisable particles generated in machining processes.

Through the mediation of the cylindrical drum mounted on the inside and using a strainer to the required filtration grade specifications, ensures effective cleaning of emulsions, cutting oils and detergents of washing.

It consists of a rotating drum attached to a conveyor of scrapers.

Self-cleaning drum is responsible for filtering the dirty liquid (liquid refrigerante+particulas metallic) through the strainer, while metal particles going into the bottom of the filter where are evacuated by means of scrapers.

You get to get a very good clarity of filtration: 30-50 micron to 90%.

The drum is perfectly sealed so that only dirty fluid can access the inside of the same through the strainer.

The drum is an independent unit that adapts to the team exhaust chips, which facilitates the maintenance work, since in the event it is necessary to remove it removed all the drum in a block.

Possibility to filter a range of flow rates.

The RDII and RDIII equipment and MD are used to filter small and medium flows and the RC for large volumes.

They have a good adaptability to different types of applications.

Possibility to process both chip imantable and not imantable.

Adding at the bottom of the filter bed of magnets we improve the performance of the team in terms of processing of magnetisable particles.