Grupo Bedtrans, S.L. - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Grupo Bedtrans, S.L.
Vilanova i La Geltrú, Nave 3
43206 Reus (Tarragona) Spain

How to get there

☎:  +34‑615950960   +34‑977755247  

NOTE: Although reasonable efforts have been made to check the location of this company/organisation, we cannot guarantee it 100%

Grupo Bedtrans, S.L.

The familiar Group of the companies BEDTRANS has 35 years of direct experience in the sector of the construction, especially in the works and services of pumping of concrete, with hormigoneras, and trucks crane car cargantes. Activities that simultaneously continue developing in the actuality with the compraventa and export of vehicles and secondhand industrial machinery.

Said experience and direct contact with the operation of the machinery have given to our personnel the necessary and sufficient technical learning that it is taken advantage of and used in the previous reviews to the buying and selling of any machine that put to disposal of our customers in the catalogue of the web.

Likewise, coherent with our politics of acquisitions, inform him that all the vehicles and machinery included in the catalogue of the present web page, are all in property, are paid and registered to name of the company. Not existing, therefore in our catalogue, on sale elements in situation of deposit neither with loads and gravámenes that can hamper a fast transmission of the good.

It visit the content of the web, and if like professional of the sector, you is interested in knowing more than near our products, invite him to visit us in our dependencies and will be pleased in showing him personally all our exhibition of vehicles and machinery.

In front of the need of any explanation, contact with our personnel and inform of the best solution for his particular case regarding formalities and transport to other countries refers . Since , in collaboration with our Agents of Customs , are in disposal to situate the vehicles to our customers in any port of the country of destination.