Associació de Sobrestants i Tècnics Superiors d'Obres Públiques i Construcció de Catalunya - Contact data

Ubicación y datos de contacto
Associació de Sobrestants i Tècnics Superiors d'Obres Públiques i Construcció de Catalunya
Salvador Espriu, 2 Apartat de C., 43
25300 Tàrrega (Lleida) Spain

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☎:  +34‑973500002  
🖷:  +34‑973500002

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Associació de Sobrestants i Tècnics Superiors d'Obres Públiques i Construcció de Catalunya

The profession of foreman was created by Royal Decree of April 12, 1854, the auxiliary body of civil engineers staff divided into three categories: assistants, assistants and foremen.

The Royal Decree of 11 February 1857 established the creation of 5 practical schools to carry out the tasks of a solid and effective training for foreman, but as it could not give out all the animals, the schools practices were closed by the Royal order of October 1, 1859.
In 1902, the Royal Decree of 3 October, merged the foremen and the helpers of public works into a single body called "Facultative assistant public works", but the following year, in 1903, they turned to separate the 2 bodies, and foremen were regulated by the organic regulation of the 13 February 1903.

In recent history, not we find the figure of the overseer to the year 1976, specifically to the Decree 707/76, of March 5, 1976, which contains the new management of vocational training accordingly, and as a development of the general law of education and funding of educational reform. This ordination, organizes vocational training in general, and, at the same time, indicates the subsequent regulations of grades and specialties.

Here is where the figure of the overseer, specifically as a result of the transfer of powers from the State to the Generalitat de Catalunya. The Department of Territorial policy and public works and Territorial service of education, agreed, according to the resolution of May 20, 1983, award of prior authorization for the creation of the school Legion of public works qualified professional Center of second degree. This authorization was ratified on 2 September 1985 following the publication in the Official Gazette on 28 September 1985. The final authorization was published in the official journal of the Generalitat de Catalunya, on May 10, 1985. Parallel to this process, September 2, 1985, is issued an order that approves the teaching of training professional of second degree, specialized teaching regime. The curriculum of the Legion appears in the annex to this order. According to history and the regulation of the profession, we believe that studies of Legion can be framed and must fit within the framework of the second degree training in specialized education, branch of construction and regime.