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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Atlas Copco se centra en lo esencial del martillo con su nueva gama MB Essential

Atlas Copco centres in the essential of the hammer with his new range MB Essential


4 June 2012

Atlas Copco Construction Tools presents a variant in his range of middle-sized hydraulics hammers. With the new MB Essential, Atlas Copco satisfies the demands of a market segmentado. The new range centres in the essential: high performance, under weight and essential functions for an effective work.

The idea is simple: the functions of the hammer have reduced to the essential to fulfil with the daily aims. The new range presents without ContiLube II and without the kit of protection against noises. What has not reduced is his high power of impact and his relation improves-weight. By his design and configuration, the hammers MB Essential are powerful tools that do his work to perfection. Besides, they allow to realise the service and regular maintenance in the work.

The relation improves-weight and the efficiency of the last generation of average hydraulics hammers of Atlas Copco, has increased considerably, if it compares them with his predecessors. Thanks to a lower weight and a greater efficiency, requires a machine bearer with less hydraulics power of entrance to keep the maximum performance of the impacts. This allows to use machines bearers smaller, what reduces the costs of investment in this type of components.

The hammers Essential of Atlas Copco have designed to realise hard works and heavy. A genuine tool designed to offer million impacts in the hardest conditions in works of quarries, demolición, catering and construction.

New hammer MB Essential of Atlas Copco
New hammer MB Essential of Atlas Copco.

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