
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at I Semana Internacional de la Construcción: balance positivo a pesar de la crisis
Celebrated in Ifema (Madrid), of the 8 to 11 May

I International Week of the Construction: positive balance in spite of the crisis

Editorial Interempresas28/05/2012

28 May 2012

“Satisfaction” was the generic message of the group of the almost 400 display units that were able to attract to the 34.887 professional participants of the sector that formed part of the I International Week of the Construction. During four days, a total of 377 companies expositoras (pertinent of 14 countries) gave to know his offer, in five pavilions of the enclosure ferial of Ifema. For the first time, they coincided in a same space expositivo three fairs referents in his respective fields: Veteco, International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed; Construtec, International Living room of the Construction; and Stone, International Fair of the Natural Stone.
The I International Week of the Construction had the assistance of 377 companies expositoras
The I International Week of the Construction had the assistance of 377 companies expositoras.

In the I International Week of the Construction participated professionals of all Spain, standing out especially, the pertinent of Madrid, Andalucia, Valencia, Catalonia and the two Castillas.

Also there was an important influx of foreign professionals. In concrete, registered a total of 2.645 visitors originarios of 65 countries, especially, of (in order of number of participants) Germany, China, France, Portugal, Mexico, Turkey, Iran, Russia, Brazil, Argentina and Italy, putting of self-evident the promotional effort of the fair in these markets, of exporting potential for the companies expositoras, as well as reflection of the result of the Program of International Buyers, in which the companies participants have had the opportunity to invite to his usual or potential customers, of all the world. Like this, to the fair attended 225 buyers invited, pertinent of 17 countries. By his part, different companies expositoras invited, through the Program of International Buyers of the fair, with the collaboration of the Camera of Trade and Industry of Madrid, to a total of 178 buyers, pertinent of 30 countries.

Attending to the type of activity, fits to stand out the main influx of architects, constructors, engineers, installers, carpenters and teachers and artisans of the manufacturing and transformation of the stone.

The minister of Promotion, Ana Pastor, went the attendant to do the official inauguration of the fair
The minister of Promotion, Ana Pastor, went the attendant to do the official inauguration of the fair.

In addition to the significant figures registered, observed between the participants a very positive climate. Like this, the director of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Light Façades and Windows, Asefave, Pablo Martín, explained that the display units showed his satisfaction by the important number of visitors that had his stands and stood out the high presence of international buyers. In his opinion, the fact to having grouped the three living rooms (Veteco, Construtec and Stone) in an only event “has contributed notably to the increase of visitors”. Regarding the tendencies that have marked the priorities of companies and professional, Martín aimed the efficiency and the energetic saving, as well as the sustainability.

This opinion coincides with the one of José V. Gómez, responsible of the company Sapa, that stood out the high level of the professionals that attended to the fair and his interest by the innovation, as well as by the saving and the energetic efficiency in the sector of the windows. Besides, this high level allowed, to trial of Javier Bermejo, of Kömmerling, establish contacts of quality to all the professionals.

Taking advantage of sinergias

The display units of Construtec also considered a tarpaulin have done to coincide the three contests. According to Carolina Alonso, of Sika, propició an increase of visits, by what did a very favourable balance of the fair; whereas Inés Idzikowski, of Solar Decathlon, resaltó the sinergias that produced , as well as the interest of the visitors by the energetic efficiency, the isolations and the sustainable constructions.

The profiles for enclosures went back to be big protagonists in Veteco 2012
The profiles for enclosures went back to be big protagonists in Veteco 2012.

By his part, Miguel Risk, of Tendel12, referred to the big number of professionals of the construction that visited the fair and the innovation. Besides, Paula Celma, of VMZinc, aimed that the coincidence of the three contests allowed to visitors and companies achieve a wider vision on the sector of the construction.

From the Spanish Federation of the Natural Stone, FDP, signalled the importance that the contest follow working in the internationalisation in the line that has initiated in this edition. Antonio Bernardos, of Blackboards J. Bernardos, stood out the important contacts produced and the big diversification of the public visitor, between which found small promoters, technicians, architects and professional of all type. A public that, as it ensured Francisco Pardo, of Group Pardo, expected fundamentally innovation, something that have found in the fair.

In the meeting presented the last novelties and tendencies on architecture, decoration and rehabilitation, and gave appointment all the economic sectors related with them, and a big number of professionals of diverse fields, like decoradores, architects, aparejadores and specialists under construction and rehabilitation.

It fits to stand out the main influx of architects, constructors, engineers, installers, carpenters and teachers and artisans of the manufacturing and transformation of the stone
Sculpture in steel galvanised exposed by the Technical Association Spaniard of Galvanizing in Construtec...
Sculpture in steel galvanised exposed by the Technical Association Spaniard of Galvanizing in Construtec, that chaired one of the zones reserved for the technical days.

Between the innovations that the visitor could find, stand out products and developments that will facilitate the constructive process and that will convert the homes in more confortables, insurance and ecological. For example, windows that prevent the escape of power, enclosures glazed with new functionalities and designs, mobile walls that multiply the spaces, cements and materials of construction faster and resistant or cranes easily adaptable and removable.


In this sense, suits resaltar the important effort that realised in this occasion so much the own fair like the companies participants, to attract to the foreign demand of the main markets of interest for the industry, contributing like this to reinforce the profile marcadamente international of the three fairs that integrate the International Week of the Construction.

Iseo, like sponsor of the Twist of Italy, exposed in his stand the trophy that awards to the victorious of this big gone back cyclist...
Iseo, like sponsor of the Twist of Italy, exposed in his stand the trophy that awards to the victorious of this big gone back cyclist.

Inside the group of days and parallel events, have been protagonists the subjects related with the sustainability and the energetic efficiency; the competitiveness; the advantages of the rehabilitation; the normative frame; the outsourcing; the legal repercussions in the accidents; effective and sustainable solutions like the concrete and the galvanizing in hot, amongst other.

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Construtec - IFEMA

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