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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Atlas Copco establece un Nuevo Competence Center para Generadores en España

Atlas Copco establishes a New Competence Center for Generators in Spain


20 April 2012

Atlas Copco opens a new Competence Center in Europe to optimise his experience in the development and production of generators. The new Competence Center of Generators of Atlas Copco will be located in Saragossa, and foresees that it will be totally operative in 2013.

The decision of launching of a New Competence Center of Generators in Spain was announced by the Division Portable Power of Atlas Copco during a presses conference in the Fair Intermat of Paris.

The centre will lodge in the 37.000 m2 of the installations of Gesan, purchased by Atlas Copco does less than a year. It will incorporate the production of the complete range QAS of Atlas Copco, that at present manufactures in Amberes (Belgium) and will act like a centre of development of the marks of generators Atlas Copco.

Expects that the centre have 200 employees, increasing some 50 employees his current staff, supplying to the markets of all the world.

Up to now, the Belgian plant has acted like a Competence Center for generators and compressesors but in the future focalizará only in compressesors. The ranges of generators QAX & QAC however will keep on being manufactured in Amberes.

Group electrógeno Atlas Copco QAC 1250
Group electrógeno Atlas Copco QAC 1250.
Geert Follens, president of the Division Portable Power of Atlas Copco, has indicated that “this is a very important step in our efforts to optimise our experience in generators and productive capacity. And we are especially satisfied to carry out it in the plant of Gesan, no only for being strategically situated in the heart of Europe, but by his solid experience in the manufacture of generators of high quality”.

Together with the range of generators QAS, the plant of Gesan in Saragossa will be also responsible of the manufacture of generators of the marks Gesan and Chicago Pneumatics. The installation is certified by the ISO 9001 and the ISO 14001 satisfying like this all the standards of quality and environingingmental of Atlas Copco.

John Hort, vice-president of Marketing of the Division Portable Power of Atlas Copco, adds: “The new centre will create more sinergias between the marks of generators Atlas Copco, but above all else will have a positive impact in our customers. Quality, terms of delivery and service will remain all unalterable and expect to see increases in the innovation like a direct result of these changes”.

Geert Follens Concludes that the step is a proof more than the commitment of Portable Power Division on his five “pillars”: Air (compressesors), Power (generators), Luz (towers of lighting), Water (pumps) and Equipment Used.

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