
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at La I Semana Internacional de la Construcción aglutina lo mejor de Construtec, Piedra y Veteco
Ifema Summons the I International Week of the Construction to contribute to the dinamización of the sector

The I International Week of the Construction agglutinates the best of Construtec, Stone and Veteco

Editorial Interempresas01/02/2012

1 February 2012

The past 31 January, Ifema received a presses conference to give to know the pillars that go to sustentar the organisation of the I International Week of the Construction, an announcement that integrates the living rooms Veteco, Stone and Construtec and that will take place in Fair of Madrid of the 8 to 11 May 2012. To the act assisted Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema, Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema, Raúl Alley, director of the I Week of the Construction, Pablo Martín, director of Asefave (Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Light Façades and Windows), Manuel Sánchez, president of FDP (Spanish Federation of the Natural Stone) and Rafael Fernández, president of Cepco (Spanish Confederation of Associations of manufacturers of Products of Construction).

Ifema Has presented the first edition of the International Week of the Construction, that will develop of the 8 to 11 May, in Fair of Madrid, and that will be starred by three fully consolidated contests in the calendar ferial of Madrid: Construtec, International Living room of the Construction; Veteco, International Living room of the Window and the Closing Glazed; and Stone, International Fair of the Natural Stone.

Of left to right...
Of left to right: Pablo Martín, director of Asefave; Manuel Sánchez, president of FDP; Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema; Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema; Rafael Fernández, president of Cepco; and Raúl Alley, director of the I Week of the Construction.

“As in the rest of the contests that celebrate in Ifema, the I Week of the Construction goes to have an absolutely professional character, that besides goes to see reinforced by a clear bet by the internationalisation that allow to the assistants open to new markets in the outside”, signalled in the presentation Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema.

The celebration, for the first time in Madrid, of this I International Week of the Construction, constitutes a clear bet of Ifema by the sector of the construction. Precisely, the project has like aim contribute an effective platform of promotion and communication, that contribute to the dinamización of the sectors represented, in a moment especially necessary given the current context. For this have wanted to add the active and capacity of announcement of each one of the three contests to outline a tool that contribute to the commercial interests of these industries, giving value added so much to the companies participants as to all the professionals of the field of the construction.

Treats therefore of a common project to reinforce the image and aims of the sector, that has the backed of a wide Committee Adviser, integrated cheese cheese by the main associations and entities of the sector. Nevertheless, and with the end to keep the identity and specificities of each one of the contests of the I International Week of the Construction, the Organisation has the support and advice of the respective Committees Organisers.

“Ours main aim is to provide to the new assistants commercial opportunities that allow them grow in his businesses”, signalled Raúl Alley, director of the I Week of the Construction.

Support to the announcement

The International Week of the Construction, whose forecasts elevate to 480 companies participants and 26.000 square metres of net surface of exhibition, will constitute an important sectorial platform. In this sense, to four months seen of his celebration, some of the main signatures of each one of the three sectors have confirmed already his participation. It is the case of Jesús Bernardos (Madrid), Arriaga Stone (Almería), Areniscas Stone (Boroughs), Marmolera Vallisoletana, Machinery Canigo (Gironinginga) and Granilouro (Pontevedra), between other participants in stone. In the field of materials of the construction, explains already with the presence of notable signatures like Sika (Madrid), Ibermapei and Basf (both of Barcelona), Cements Portland (Madrid), Saint Doors Rafael (Toledo) and Ceramic Aparici (Castellón), between other present in Construtec. And, of the segment of windows, enclosures and light faã§ades, are companies of the level of Aluminiums Cortizo (The Coruña), Kommerling (Madrid), Vekaplast Iberian (Boroughs), Sapa (Barcelona), Jansen (Madrid), Reynaers Aluminium (Barcelona), Somfy (also of the City Condal) and Mecal (Italy), that participate between others, in Veteco.

This I International Week of the Construction will articulate espacialmente in the pavilions: 7 (Construtec), 4, 6, 8 and 10 (Veteco) and 3 and 5 (Stone).

Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema, and Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema
Luis Eduardo Cortés, president of Ifema, and Fermín Lucas, general director of Ifema.
The International Week of the Construction, whose forecasts elevate to 480 companies participants and 26.000 square metres of net surface of exhibition, will constitute an important sectorial platform

A new concept

The announcement is cream with the vision no only to give coherence and common projection to the three sectors but also to contribute to the commercial development of each one of the companies participants. For this the organisation is developing all a battery of tools that favour the aims of participation, analysing priorities, and generating proposals that allow the maximum efficiency and profitability. In this sense, and between other actions like the adecuación of the space to the real needs, the advice in the best manufacturing of the participation, and the drawing of the professional profiles of demand that better adapt to his commercial aims, the living room has activated actions of support to the participation, and will set up an international program of buyers that will allow to favour the access of the companies to international markets.

Between the measures of support to the participation that have implemented , oriented to facilitate that the companies can opt to this sectorial meeting precisely in moments that require of a greater visibility, have activated distinct advantages and eases of payment.

International buyers

The International Week of the Construction has like aim improve the internationalisation and the access to new markets. Like this after an analysis of the markets of interest for the Spanish companies, represented in the three fairs, has foreseen the organisation of a program of International Buyers invited by the Organisation, in collaboration with the Institute of External Trade –ICEX- oriented to the countries of the Mediterranean and Middle East, of the east Europe and of Latin America.

Likewise, to optimise the participation of the distinct invited in meetings with companies expositoras, each day of the Week will devote to one of these preferential markets for the interests of the sector.

Pablo Martín, director of Asefave, and Manuel Sánchez, president of FDP
Pablo Martín, director of Asefave, and Manuel Sánchez, president of FDP.

Technical days

is working Also in the manufacturing of an intense program of events and days, in which they will tackle some of the questions that more interest to this industry, like the costs derived of the energetic rehabilitation in buildings of houses (conference to charge of Asprima); the rehabilitation in the edificación (Labour Foundation of the Construction, that besides will present the technical guide on minimum disposals of hygiene and health in the works of construction); the competitiveness in the sector of the construction (Industrial Observatory of the Sector of the Construction); the normative frame, current situation and challenges of the outsourcing in the construction (Federation of Guilds of the Construction); the legal repercussions in the accidents with the garage doors (Fimpa); the concrete like economic and sustainable solution (Technological Platform Spaniard of the Concrete), and the galvanizing in hot, as effective solution in time of crisis (Technical Association Spaniard of Galvanizing).

By his part, the architecture will occupy a place stood out inside this diary of activities. It is the case of the exhibition that will realise the Upper Council of Schools of Architects of Spain, Cscae, in the stand ‘architecture in positive', with some of the best works of Spanish architects at present under construction.

In the terrain of the light faã§ades, suits also resaltar the celebration of the Congress Faecf, organised by the patronal of this sector, Asefave that, besides, summons his traditional Prizes Veteco Asefave, already in his tenth edition and whose delivery goes accompanied also of the exhibition of the works of the concursantes.

it is working Also in the manufacturing of an intense program of events and days, in which they will tackle some of the questions that more interest to this industry

Sectorial support

The main business groupings of this industry have loaned his support to the announcement and are dumped in the design of the diary of professional meetings. In fact, so much in the manufacturing of the program as in the preparativos of the Week, has the collaboration of a Committee Adviser, headed by the patronales that represent to each one of the three sectors involved: the Confederation of Associations of manufacturers of Materials of Construction, Cepco; the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Light Façades and Windows, Asefave; and the Spanish Federation of the Natural Stone, Stone.

The backrest of the sector to this new announcement does evident, besides, with the presence in this organism adviser, of the main associations, entities and professional communities in this field, faithful reflection of this industry. Like this, it has the participation of the National Confederation of the Construction, CNC; the Association of Companies of the Construction of Madrid, Aecom; the Association of Promoters Inmobiliarios of Madrid, Asprima; the Labour Foundation of the Construction; the official schools of architects, aparejadores and decoradores Madrilenian; the Community and the City council of the capital of Spain; the Camera of Trade and Industry of Madrid, and the Federation of Municipalities of Madrid.

Likewise, is represented the Central Administration to the highest level, through the Ministry responsible for public works (Office of State of House), the Ministry of Industry (General Sub-directorate of Marked CEE), the Ministry of Environingingment, and the Institute of External Trade, ICEX (General Steering of Promotion).

Rafael Fernández, president of Cepco, and Raúl Alley, director of the I Week of the Construction
Rafael Fernández, president of Cepco, and Raúl Alley, director of the I Week of the Construction.

Support in the exports

This sectorial support confirms the interest of an industry that, in spite of the difficulties by which crosses, is dumped in all action that promote the dinamización of his activity and his internationalisation, like road of development. Precisely the exports are being the most positive chapter of these industries, as in the case of the natural stone, whose sales to the outside grew the past exercise of 2011 (until November), 8,58% in relation with the same period of 2010, or in the sector of the window, that increased in 10,1% -during the first semester of the past year-, as well as the exports of the sector of materials of construction, that reached a turnover of 954,8 million euros, according to data of his respective patronales.


Name: International Week of the Construction.

Edition: First.

Dates: Of the 8 to 11 May 2012.

Time: Of 10 h to 19 h.

Place: Ifema (Fair of Madrid).

Periodicity: Biennial.

Character: Exclusively Professional.

Profile of the Visitor: Architects, studies of architecture, aparejadores, decoradores, manufacturers, constructors and promoters inmobiliarios.

Integrated cheese cheese fairs: Construtec, Stone and Veteco.

Related Companies or Entities

Construtec - IFEMA
Veteco - IFEMA

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