
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El mercado alemán y el italiano centran la actividad promocional de Feria de Zaragoza

The German market and the Italian centre/center the promotional activity of Fair of Saragossa


15 November 2011

Fair of Saragossa puts his look in the European market. With the end to improve his promotion and diffusion in the international plane, a delegation of the Agricultural area of the Aragonese institution moves until Milan (Italy) and Hannover (Germany) to participate in the living rooms of Simei and Agritechnica, respectively.

In this way, FIMA –the International Fair of Agricultural Machinery, that will take place of the 14 to 18 February– continues with his plan of diffusion and promotion with the end to renew his paper at the head of the international agricultural sector. With his presence in Agritechnica, the International Living room of the Agricultural Technician, the Aragonese contest reinforces his position like referent. Of the 15 to 19 November, the German living room is the meeting point of the primary sector and gathers to more than 350.000 professionals. It is, therefore the platform of ideal promotion to attract new signatures expositoras and improve the paper of FIMA in the international market.

Of the same way, of the 22 to 26 November takes place Simei, the International Living room of Machines for Oenology and Bottled. This fair serves of shop window for the next edition of Enomaq and Tecnovid, that will take place in February of 2013. It treats of two living rooms of European reference that generate a wide repercussion to the sector. In the Italian city, the managers of the institution zaragozana will treat to promote both living rooms and establish contacts, so much from the point of view of the catchment of new signatures, as of the diffusion and dinamización of the appointments.

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FIMA - Feria de Zaragoza

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