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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Ángel Ortega, presidente de la Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología Sin Zanja (IbSTT)
“The technologies without resolves are the future”

Interview to Ángel Ortega, president of the Iberian Association of Technology Without Resolve (IbSTT)

Javier García11/11/2011

11 November 2011

The technologies without resolves are a group of solutions that minimise/minimize the annoyances in the realisation/realization of works. With them, can instrument the cities and develop subterranean networks of water, gas, electricity, saneamiento or telecommunications, respecting at the same time the environment. Around these qualities turns No Dig, Congress and Universal Exhibition on the Technology Without Resolve, that organises/organizes ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology, by his acronyms in English). Madrid will turn into 2014 in the official headquarters of the thirtieth second edition of this big international event. Ángel Ortega, president of the Iberian Association of Technology Without Resolve (IbSTT), explains in this interview what will offer this congress and what will contribute for the development of the public work in our country.

What believes will mean for our country and for the strengthening of the public work the celebration of this congress? What can contribute?

In the current coyuntura economic global of adjust budgetary in all the fields, the key is in replantear the planned investments and focalizarlas to fields of development by a sustainable future. The congress can contribute the development of the civil work like engine and dinamizador economic. That the IbSTT have won the candidature so that Madrid was the official headquarters of the thirtieth second edition of the International No Dig 2014, Annual World-wide Congress and Universal Exhibition on the Technology Without Resolve, goes to suppose a revulsivo economic for the Spanish companies, members and patrocinadoras of the event, at the same time that will strengthen the image of our companies like leaders in technology without resolves.

We are a country with tradition in the technology without resolve? It thinks that it is sufficiently extended in our country? In which percentage, regarding other methods?

Alas, no. 80% of the works could do without raising the pavimento neither bother to the neighbours/neighbors. From it does more than 20 years exist technologies that do not need to open resolve, that only require of a pair of perforaciones, but lamentably, finalising/finalizing already 2011, these technologies are still unknown for ones and no used by others. Well it was by the desconfianza motivated by the legend that pursues to these technologies that they are faces in comparison with the traditional technologies or, say it like this, by pereza, by behaviours/behaviors anchored that in the current situation in which we find us can not follow giving.

The fact that Madrid was the official headquarters of the International No Dig 2014 goes to suppose, according to Ortega...
The fact that Madrid was the official headquarters of the International No Dig 2014 goes to suppose, according to Ortega, “a revulsivo economic for the Spanish companies”.
“80% of the works could do without raising the pavimento neither bother to the neighbours/neighbors”

international Leadership

The ISTT (International Society for Trenchless Technology) organises/organizes annually this event from does more than 30 years, in any of the cities calm of the 26 STT, national societies of technology without resolve homologous to the IbSTT.

The celebration of this event in Madrid will be “a novelty in our country and will gather in our city to international experts of recognised/recognized prestige, professional and employers of all the world, administrations and public organisms, that will analyse/analyze and will debate a complete sample of the technologies of last generation; the best solutions and applications to concrete cases, turning us into shop window of all the world”, explains Ortega.

“Know and trust that we are able to show to the world that in Spain realise/realize the things to consciousness, giving the image to the assistants, at all times of unit, in definite of technologies without resolve able to substitute by his a lot of advantages, to the most conventional technologies”, sustains the president of IbSTT.

A congress for the hope

From the knowledge of the sectors involved (machinery for civil work, infrastructures, saneamiento, supply, gas, electricity or telecommunications), and the experience in the realisation/realization of international days, this singular event and absolutely different, is born with the aim to create a commercial platform for all his assistants. No Dig 2014 will be an international forum of knowledge and of exchange of information that award to the expositores, companies and organisms sponsors, the necessary leadership to be able to surpass with hope of future the current situation in that they find .

And what can do to avoid these situations?

One of the solutions is to bet by a greater profesionalización of technicians and municipal agents. We are far of other countries, like Germany, where already rehabilitate thousands of kilometres/kilometers of infrastructures with technology without resolves.

To his understand, what future expects him to this technology?

Everything. The technologies without resolves are the future. They are approved by the UN like some ecologically rational technologies and environmentally sustainable, cover systems and products that present the potential to offer a performance medioambientalmente improved in comparison with other technologies to which substitute. (*)

(*) Diary 21, Chapter 34:

“…The technologies without resolves protect the environment, are less contaminantes, use the resources of form more sustainable and treat the waste of form more acceptable that the technologies that have come to substitute…”.

“We are far of countries like Germany, where already rehabilitate thousands of kilometres/kilometers of infrastructures with technology without resolves”

Which type of teams employ in this technology?

For the location of services buried with electromagnetic technicians use georradares, localizadores of metallic lines or localizadores of lines no metallic, whereas the inspection of pipes and saneamientos realises/realizes through systems robotizados of television in enclosed circuit. Also they are useful the technologies for the installation of pipes and pipes without opening of resolve and the technologies for the repair of existent drivings.

It can employ this technology in any type of work that involve one resolves? In which cases can result useful?

Can use in 80% of the subterranean works. No only it is better of face to the citizen but, with help of the suitable professionals, results more economic that the conventional work with opening of resolves.

This year, Berlin

The edition of this year, No Dig 2011, XXIX Congress and Universal Exhibition on the Technology Without Resolve, celebrated between the 2 and on 5 May, and achieved to gather in the enclosure ferial of the capital germana around 28.000 professional visitors of all the world. Besides, it received to 700 expositores of 35 countries that occupied a surface of 49.000 square metres/meters and that showed the last products and services in technologies without resolves.

But it will pose perhaps more technical difficulties that the traditional methods?

On the contrary, whenever it have good professional.

“Ten city councils have signed already
    the Letter of the City Without Resolve”

You represent to one of the 26 world-wide associations of national field of the technology without resolves. In what consists his work?

The work of the association consists basically in promoting the utilisation/utilization of technologies without resolve and collaborate with the administrations in matter of legislation and normalisation/normalization. The promotion of a technology requires, first of all, inform. The IbSTT has this like aim prioritario. Inform includes to present the available technologies and show practical cases on his utilisation/utilization; give to know the different criteria of selection between the different applicable technologies; offer information on international or national rule in this regard, and on criteria of design and project. Finally, provide a punctual information on technologies in phase of development.

By means of the promotion pretends develop the utilisation/utilization of the technologies without resolves. Taking for granted that the information provides knowledges, results also evident that the knowledges will push the development.

And his work will have given his fruits…

Until ten city councils have signed already the Letter of the City Without Resolve, the last of them the past 20 October: Roc Muñoz, mayor of The Canonja (Tarragona) and the European director of Investigation of Dow, Felip Vidiella, in a day on installations without resolves of plastic pipes organised/organized by Plomyplas and celebrated in the installations of Dow Tarragona. After the experience accumulated during 15 years realising/realizing international days and seeing the interest that arouse the technologies without resolves in our country, think that the IbSTT, Spain and, in concrete, Madrid are prepared for the first time to have the opportunity to celebrate the No Dig 2014.

The 10 reasons of the technologies without resolve

1. It suffices of noise

resolve Them involve in the first place audible annoyances. The technologies without resolves limit, to the strictly necessary, the use of the pneumatic hammer as well as of other machines. The technologies without resolve, especially in the case of the rehabilitation of subterranean canalisations/canalizations, do not require any excavation. Of average, estimates that the technologies without resolves allow to divide by ten the use of these noisy procedures.

2. No to the reduction of the local activity

resolve Them that they hinder the free access to the trades encourage to the customers to abandon the centres/centers of the cities. The installation of pipes and wires can realise/realize without this problem thanks to the technologies without resolves.

3. We protect the water

The pipes that transport the water until our taps as well as those that drive the water of the rain or the residual waters to the stations debuggers no always are tight. Thus, the drinkable water and the residual waters can lose in the subsoil… The negative consequences affect so much to the half aquatic as to the drinkable water. The technologies without resolves make possible the inspection, the diagnostic and the repair of subterranean pipes by means of fast procedures, discreet and little costly.

4. We breathe an air without dust

Descartemos the bad practices of the works contaminantes. The urban works contaminate the air to consequence of the dust and the leakages of the engines of the machinery that stress the risks derived of the urban pollution: bronquitis, catarrhs, asthma or cancer, that loom mainly to the most fragile population, the boys and elderly. The works without resolves minimise/minimize these damages and take into account the health of the users.

5. We respect the natural surroundings

The rivers and the natural reservations are especially sensitive to resolve them, that loom his natural balance. The technologies without resolves allow to avoid the strong aggressions that suffer the flora, the fauna and the water that filters to the phreatic layers like consequence of the works with resolves.

6. Urban centre/center: circulate and contaminate less

resolve Them tighten the roads of circulation along big distances. The atascos derived of these works, in addition to causing dissatisfaction and contaminate, suppose an important loss of time, already was of work or of leisure. The vehicles of the services of urgencies and the public transports also see affected. The technologies without resolves free the centre/center of the cities.

7. We achieve presupposed for the conditioning of the city

By a lot of cautions that take, resolve them always leave marks in the shod. The deterioration of the same accelerates and this has a high cost for the population. The leaks of water, the fissures and the stagnations affect inevitably to the solidez of the shod and engage the comfort of the user. Finally, the only solution is to repair and repair again until finishing building a new shod. The municipality pays and the neighbours/neighbors remain dissatisfied. Do works without resolves frees finance for other improvements of the city.

8. You resolve: eye with the security

The works of repair or installation of networks are a source of insecurity for users and operarios. In spite of the surveillance of the zones in works, resolve them deep present a greater risk of face to the labour accidents. It estimates that in the works with resolves there is a death to the month. The security is greater in the case of the works without resolves.

9. We save the noble materials for our heritage

When it digs one resolves the volume has to be filled up with materials of the called noble. It treats of natural resources extracted of the quarries. Said material no only present a high cost, but they are increasingly scarce. It produces, therefore, of a wasteful of our wealths. With the technologies without resolve, disappears, almost completely, the need of noble materials.

10. We minimise/minimize the demolitions

When it excavates one resolves, produces a volume of considerable earth in proportion to the reduced quantity of canalisation/canalization or wire soterrado. Now well, this volume of earth considers automatically a residue. Said demolitions become evacuated to a place of temporary storage and afterwards are transformed for his reuse. Once finished this process are sent to another place for a new use. This process is costly and contaminante. The technologies without resolves allow to divide by ten the volume of demolitions.

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