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Key factors for the economical viability and sustainable project management and construction companies

The feasible doesn't mean Green

Juan Jesús González González, director of planning Group Avintia15/07/2011

July 15, 2011

Ten are the points that the following document proposes so that a constructive project —and, therefore, the company that carries it out— was viable at the same time that sustainable. Group Avintia has elaborated a series of steps that answer to all a business philosophy: from the study in rigour/rigor of a project, until the service to the once finalised/finalized customer, going through the control of quality and the improvement during the execution of the constructive project to all the effects.

The following document is structured in three sections: firstly, the importance of philosophy, efficiency and growth in the construction company; It is followed by the ten commandments of factors that lead to a viable and sustainable project management and construction companies; and, finally, the importance of improving steadily projects before, during and after his execution.

1. Importance of the philosophy, efficiency and growth in the company constructor

Avintia is sustained by a strong team, with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, and an innovative project management system, based on our experience, strength and credibility. The birth of the construction company raises the following issues:

'Ocean red and ocean blue' strategy is used to reach the attainment of the objectives set.

Ocean red and ocean blue

The Red Ocean and ocean blue are different strategies to operate in competitive markets and know how good ideas create new demand.

Red Ocean is the description of the high competition, is a space where what is achieved at the expense of others, either by lowering prices and improving quality. Blue Ocean part of the Red Ocean to reach unknown waters to implement new ideas. In the Red Ocean there is rule of the competition; in the Blue Ocean, competition does not exist. The trip to the Blue Ocean part from the Red Ocean and it should take place with imagination. It is not there fighting to keep but enjoys and is rapidly growing. It separated important of the urgent and that the strategy includes improvisation.

The blue ocean does not offer that demand now but somewhat better. The Red Ocean is used ideas and products or areas known, defined and accepted. As it is filled with competitors, the low-gain and the struggle becomes fierce. The Blue Ocean is a Virgin, not explored space and high perspectives of value to those who enter it. It represents that which might be, the unknown. The demand was created in its waters.


Key 2.Factores for the viable and sustainable management of projects and construction companies

There are 10 key factors for the viable and sustainable management of a construction project.

A construction project to be viable, the most important thing for the company is able to count on a team of excellent professionals where combined experience, knowledge and training, as well as an interconnection between all departments of the company knowing take advantage of all possible synergies. To achieve high levels of quality, a client must demand that a construction quality assurance, end-of-schedule and details of each of the phases.


Ten Commandments for addressing each of the projects

1. Rigorous each project study
2 Experience of contractors and project teams
3 Active central structures with production lines
4 Compliance with agreed deadlines
5. Control and economic betterment of the project
6 Quality of execution and finishes
7. Environmental management
8 Security and hygiene
9. Comprehensive after-sales service
10. Personalised customer service
1. Rigorous each project study

This allows us to close a 'Turnkey' price, ensuring the final price for the customer or know the risks they take in a bid to open measurement. It also guarantees the grades covered by the contract with the Builder to be valued at their fair price.

2 Experience of contractors and project teams

Work and central professionals must possess a very proven experience, both in implementation and compliance with internal procedures. These professionals develop basic and essential skills that are continually reinforced with deployments of new processes, new technologies and new talent.

3 Active central structures with production lines

The central structures must give maximum support to the production lines, not be exclusively control lines.

4 Compliance with agreed deadlines

There must be a guarantee of completion on schedule based on the system of planning through income from work and needs for equipment, making a monthly report of progress, work audits and plans of acceleration tracking.

A planning system should provide very broad character information:

In the estudio-contratación phase, you must provide:

the planning, technical and economic; the commercial impact; security in compliance with the deadlines; a calculation of real deadlines for indirect costs, as well as aggressive deadlines on offer (acceleration plan); contract planning; Budgets not commenced works (Treasury); and a study that takes into account the quantities to 'top tensioners' works not commenced (purchases).

In the implementation phase, the planning system must have:

the launch of the project - review of the process, adjustment of the critical path and resources of the works; a plan of purchasing and Contracting; objectives of the project and dates; an internal system of monitoring and planning of works; budgets and bases of control (Treasury); a correct mensualización to give the reality of the outcome of the work and the company - the system is the basis for projections two years-; monitoring of sub-projects within the work (technical floor); and information to client follow-up and planning of the works.

5. Control and economic betterment of the project

Proper control of the implementation of the cost of the work, provides benefits, such as avoiding construction claims for loss of profit or the end user has a project with the agreed qualities. It also allows the Builder exact knowledge of the reality of the work and the company, ensuring their viability and sustainability. The process of cost control and planning in the company starts from the time of the award of the work until provisional acceptance of the same. From that moment keeps track of the charges and income supplied and pending receive during the implementation of the work.

Tracking and updating economic studies and deadline for the achievement of the target is essential. The actual cost of work units is transmitted to studies for the generation of future offers.

6 Quality of execution and finishes

Audits of quality assurance, implementation and finishes should be in the works to comply strictly with the quality parameters established by the project, the company itself and by current legislation. The objective of these audits is to minimize claims once completed and handed over the work, as well as detect and correct possible defects both project and execution of work units.

On the other hand, during the visit were discussed the problems detected, seek solutions and you will be a report for those involved in the project, with the classification of risks according to their origin (project work site management, promoter), gravity and urgency in the solution.

On the other hand, and each month, the inspector shall draw up a document for follow-up of the dates of visit report, copies and answering. Before delivering the work and after the completion of the work, it will be a final visit of the work to review the implementation of the units of work, where a record and a control sheet should be.

With regard to the management of quality, should be a control according to ISO 9001 and codes and regulations of construction. Thus need a forecast of staff and the necessary infrastructure; control of materials (at the reception, through testing, application for certificate); execution control (program of points of inspection (PPI); measurement equipment control; control of suppliers (bi-annual evaluation in each piece of each participating company); control needs of the client (sending periodic satisfaction surveys).)

7. Environmental management

It is based on the fulfilment of the requirements set by international standard ISO 14001: 2004. Environmental management involves the evaluation of the influence of the project activity on the environment through a comprehensive analysis of the environmental aspects over which it can influence (e.g., generation of waste), suggesting internal objectives of the company to control and reduce those aspects acquired a negative value (for example, reuse of inert waste) or reduction of materials to be used.

All the participating companies must comply with the rules, so be followed closely its implementation through a regular evaluation of suppliers. An analysis of the perception of the customers in environmental terms by sending periodic satisfaction surveys will also be. All this is compounded by actions of environmental awareness through lectures, meetings, awareness-raising, signage, etc., campaigns for the end user: the worker.

8 Security and hygiene

The company will make fortnightly audits of security in work to avoid the risk of accidents during its execution. Internal management must be done according to the requirements of the Osha 18001, assessing the health risks entailed in the implementation of each project: registration and analysis of accidents and incidents; campaigns of awareness/training; regular meetings with the participating companies to anticipate the security measures; etc.

9. Comprehensive after-sales service

The good performance of the work before receiving guarantees to the developer or client. The objective of this phase is to reach a level of sufficient termination for a degree of satisfaction of buyers or clients in subsequent visits undertaken to work and get on the visit of delivery with a minimum of 90% of incidents resolved. This service must have telephone (902) and technique for 3 years for client and user.

Will be required the hiring of a specific company in the establishment and maintenance of collective protections at work, regardless of the location of the same

10 Personalized customer

For example, through the information service to customers (Sica), in the case of Avintia. It is an information system that offers customers the detailed follow-up of your projects. The reports that are distributed are focused on meeting deadline, the quality control in the performance, safety and environment and are distributed through a web server.

3. Continuous improvement, optimization and management of projects applied to the sector

How can we go out of our 'comfort zone'? What tools can have for change? Here are some:

Table of balanced scorecard (CMI)
Management Office (PMO) projects
  • Table of balanced scorecard (CMI)

A tool for business that shows is continuously when a company and its employees reach the results defined by the strategic plan.

The main concepts of the balanced scorecard are:
-Financial perspective: measures covering the financial objectives of management to create value for shareholders; and direct impact on the procurement, production and result.
-The customer perspective: measures that reflect the impact of the Organization's strategy on the clients.
-Sector Outlook: action on the evolution of changes in the structure of the sector.
-Internal perspective: measures of critical organizational processes for strategy improvement.
-Learning perspective: measures to train people in the organization with the necessary skills.
  • (PMO Project Management Office) project management office

It is a Department or group that defines and maintains standards of process, generally related to the management of projects within an organization. The PMO works in standardize and save resources through the repetition of aspects in the implementation of different projects. It is also the source of the documentation, management and metrics on the practice of management and the implementation of projects. This Office can operate in areas ranging from providing the functions of support for project management in the form of training, software, standardized policies and procedures, to direct to achieve the objectives of the project leadership and responsibility.

Models of project management office:

-PMO in State 1. Simple Office, with at least two projects. Project managers reported or are a director of program guidelines.
-PMO in State 2. PMO 1 + additional equipment to support the methodology used in their projects.
-PMO in State 3. PMO 1 + PM2.5 + continuous improvement with auditing and mentoring. Regular incorporation of functional specialists.
-Centre of excellence. It is appropriate for organizations that seek or require a very high level of consistency and control over the implementation of their projects within the organization. The director reports directly to the general direction of the company.

This document is based on the presentation Juan Jesús González González, group planning director Avintia, delivered on 6 April in the framework of the fifteenth edition of the international trade fair of machinery for public works, construction and mining, Smopyc 2011.

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