
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en El Grupo Beret participará en Ferroforma / Bricoforma 2011

The Beret group will participate in Ferroforma/Bricoforma 2011


December 30, 2010

The eleven companies that make up the Beret group have confirmed that they would participate in the next edition of Ferroforma/Bricoforma with an occupation of space of 1,200 square meters.

Each of the companies will take a stand himself and differentiated according to their needs and expectations, which will be located on one corporate group beret, where the electronic catalog that has been developing the group as strategic in recent months project will be presented for the first time and where will be located also a rest area and informal care to clients.

The President of the company, José Ignacio González, explains the bet of the companies in the group by this fair: "the next edition of the contest includes requests that many exhibitors had done for years in the sense that it should provide more value and attract not only to professionals who buy our products"", but and above all to those who prescribed them and sell it at the point of sale and the users of the same".

During the fair, the Group's companies will present important developments. Pferd and represented in Aghasa, Sola, have already announced world firsts for the occasion. Joint developments similar to those that took place months ago during the Expocadena, of Ehlis, and the professional meetings of Ancofe should also be made.

The Beret group currently consists of Aghasa Turis, shelves Simon, Gala Gar, Goizper, Juba, Kraft, Panter, Pferd Ruggeberg, Rombull Ronets, Alex wheels and Worx.

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