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José Luis Prim, President of Anmopyc: "manufacturers are taking part in the most aggressive competition known as the international market"

Four entrepreneurs related Smopyc are saying about the keys to the future of the fair

Drafting Interempresas22/12/2010

December 22, 2010

Before the close conclusion of the fifteenth edition of Smopyc, which will take place from 5 to 9 April of next year 2011, sectoral leaders and the director of fair of Zaragoza offered in this interview with four bands their points of view on the evolution of the veteran eventthe general situation of the sector and their expectations to the new call.

Those who believe:

  • Francisco Carrillo, President of the Organizing Committee of Smopyc.
  • José Luis of the Prim, President of the Spanish Association of manufacturers exporters of machinery for construction, public works and mining (Anmopyc).
  • Gerd Schreier, President of the National Association of distributors and importers of machine of public works, mining and construction (Andicop).
  • José Antonio Vicente, general manager of Fair of Zaragoza.

Smopyc faces 15th Edition, at what point is the event and where is heading?

Francisco Carrillo: despite their years of activity with its already long history, lies with the same enthusiasm and the same desire to work than when they started, but with the knowledge and experience gained throughout this time. Currently, the Organization of the next edition is undergoing a period of much work which is carried out a major reform of the living room to continue to fulfil the target set since its inception: the point of reference for the sector. Also, our desire is to be able to respond to this demanding sector which we know is going through a difficult time, but you will find, no doubt, the best example out of the crisis in fair of Zaragoza and Smopyc 2011.

Francisco Carrillo, President of the Organizing Committee of Smopyc
Francisco Carrillo, President of the Organizing Committee of Smopyc.

José Luis of the Prim: the contest cannot be more than a reflection of the reality of the sector. It would be illusory to believe that an activity at the lowest point since decades, can attend mass a monographic exhibition. But admitted the initial premise there are nuances that suggest a more favourable trend and encouraging to think that the meeting in Smopyc 2011 should be forced participation. In any case much better than if it had been in April of this year or in the past. Investment presents a tone unusually under but, after three stormy years, calibrated once the scope of the consequences, is time to build, and the next edition of Smopyc is the place where persons involvedviews, business and the progress are going to see the faces. All we need to know what will be our industry from now on and there is a special interest in meeting with those who are shaping her.

gerd schreier: the contest has much weight among specialized fairs and has won even more notoriety in all the media thanks to its prestigious and also the enormous promotional campaign that has been launched at national and international levels. Its evolution is excellent and we hope it continues.

José Antonio Vicente: in my opinion Smopyc is at its best. It is a consolidated fair and with an impeccable track record, which has been driven by their results always rising, as in the case of the last edition, beating all records in full crisis. From Feria de Zaragoza, we work to make Smopyc 2011 continue to grow as a citation reference and essential assistance to the sector. Proof of this is that we have more than 600 exhibitors confirmed that 45 associations directly linked to the sector will carry out various activities in the Hall.

"We have confirmed more than 600 exhibitors and 45 associations who will carry out various activities in the Hall" (José Antonio Vicente)

What are the strengths of Smopyc and what distinguishes it from other salons?

FC: obviously the main guarantee is their travel fair and all that we have been able to demonstrate the intense history of Smopyv. However, we know that we can not relax and that is why we are working to get a room with international vocation and competitive. For this reason, you are trying to offer a renovated space, in which all companies feel identified and to provide higher quality and dynamism to the sector, in a very difficult time.

One of the signs that identify Smopyc and which distinguishes it from other rooms is its ability to be a great showcase of new products. The great Gallery of innovation, with the granting of the awards for technological innovation, makes Smopyc is one of the bastions of the r & d in the field of construction, mining and public works. Another very important differential element is the area of demonstrations that allows to see live and live teams working, which is greatly appreciated by professionals.

Two: Smopyc is a fair integrated in the European circuit and at the same time very prestigious in Latin America, so equipment manufacturers offers an indisputable value that cannot be found in another offer. There is simply no alternative. On the other hand, a fair is a very complex product and have fourteen edits as credentials suggest one confidence in current times is valued very positively.

José Luis of the Prim, President of Anmopyc
José Luis of the Prim, President of Anmopyc.

GS: as strengths of the Smopyc highlight clearly the years of experience, the great exhibition (400,000 m2) area over the extensive outdoor area, its excellent figures of call in the past, and sensitivity to the circumstances of the sectortrying to offer 'more with less spending'.

JAV: his main strength is the unconditional support of the sector, which has become the event in what is today: a fair at the international level. Participation in Smopyc is one of the most important tools of marketing for customer acquisition. Having said that, "other" strengths are a combination of factors ranging from his successful zoning, which offers the possibility of exposing large machines in an extensive outdoor area of demonstration, advocacy and services internationalization provided to exhibitors.

How will Smopyc promote the internationalisation of companies?

FC: our goal, as it could not be otherwise, is that Smopyc is, once again, the quote of the year of the sector at the international level. For this reason, we have intensified our commercial and advertising work on the points which we considered critical to our strategy. Thus, we have focused our efforts on two points that we think are really important, such as Latin America and the Maghreb countries.

As for Europe, and in order to strengthen and promote business cooperation and internationalisation of the Smopyc companies, we are going to put in place - with the collaboration of the Confederation of entrepreneurs of Aragon - a meeting that will take place on 5 and 6 April, and that is part of the context of the network European Enterprise Europe Network. In the program will take part more than 200 buyers of forty countries under a prior agenda of work, interest for the sake of opening up new markets in which enhance their products. This forum is considered as a tool of great weight internationally, since it has the endorsement of the European Union.

"We have focused our efforts in Latin America and the Maghreb countries" (Francisco Carrillo)

Two: from the platform of Anmopyc, know the efforts being made to bring the event to greater levels of internationalization each time. This should be said that everything that can be done is little. In this sense Anmopyc is making a great effort in the Organization of trade missions of the highest level. Manufacturers are taking part in the most aggressive competition known as the international market. Never made an effort in this category to get customers in new markets. In that challenge the role of Smopyc can and should be of great help. Latin America is moving much faster than our European partners, and the Smopyc name is a reference in those markets. For that reason must see an opportunity in this event both for the fair itself and for equipment manufacturers.

JAV: in this, as in previous editions, the chapter of the internationalization is a constant, and this works both from the Organizing Committee fair of Zaragoza. Countries such as Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Peru in America and Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria in the Mediterranean are some of the markets in which is affecting in particular. All our efforts are going in that direction. In addition to the various business meetings and trade missions organized by the pageant, communication campaigns have intensified and improved the exhibition services, particularly with regard to connections with airport and AVE, which contributes to attracting international participants.

What can you expect the exhibitor and visitor of Smopyc 2011?

FC: in these times of difficulty, from Smopyc Zaragoza fair bet for quality, personalized service and provide greater added value and an increase in brand image. The exhibitor of Smopyc hopes to be able to gather an important professional volume, while the visitors are looking for the presence of major groups and companies that make a present of the reality of the sector at the global level. As well, I trust fully that both groups of participants will be covered their expectations through its presence and active participation in Smopyc.

Two: for the Exhibitor, the success of the fair is as a result of the quantity and quality of the visitors. This time should be added that they should be foreigners to the fair by satisfactory. We hope that organized trade missions meet PEV prospects who are can end up selling, and so the work of fair not just in the promotion of the contest, but it must continue with a few services that enhance the image of the sector and the country. At a juncture as special as that are going through the quality of the offer is composed of the excellence of the product but also of other intangible attributes among which the environment of the sector occupies prominent place.

The visitor can rest assured that you will find in two valuable offers. On the one hand, the first manufacturers worldwide show the latest technological advances, as well as processes and tools needed to develop in the new reality presented to us. On the other hand, being a competition unique at the time and place, visitors will find there all valuable opinion that it should be heard. It is not possible to be an active part in the sector from outside of this event.

GS: exhibitors, we hope to enjoy a good range of exhibition services, that given the current situation not expected big sales, although international contacts. For its part, the visitor will find a great showcase made up the majority of brands in the industry, with its products and innovations in Smopyc and can feel supported by manufacturers and importers.

Gerd Schreier, President of Andicop
Gerd Schreier, President of Andicop.
"Given the current situation is not expected big sales, although international contacts" (Gerd Shreier)

JAV– both exhibitors and visitors will find concentrated all the supply sector in Smopyc 2011. For the first it is positive, because in a few days you will gain access to many business opportunities and business contacts and for visitors it is also, which has a unique opportunity to get an overview and get to know the State of the art of the sector through conferencesround tables and product presentations.

What I would recommend to participants of Smopyc 2011?

FC: as President of the Organizing Committee of Smopyc can confirm that from this Agency has worked with enormous enthusiasm to provide the best framework both exhibitors as to visitors. Which is why I encourage exhibitors to take advantage of that work and use it as a tool and launch pad to get out of this complicated situation. I am convinced that if all provide greater commitment and believe in our products and our possibilities, it will be easier and we will achieve that Smopyc 2011 will help reach that tipping point that will generate excitement and confidence in the sector and its recovery globally.

Two: recommendations to Anmopyc partners have been made in its executive bodies throughout many meetings and committees and have been widely discussed their channels of communication. Basically all of them have their origin in a positive predisposition towards a future that, over the crisis, should return to normal. All of them pass through the absolute certainty that it will not be easy and that the required sacrifice will be expensive. And all of them lead to the certainty that in Spain construction machinery industry has achieved a reputation in the international markets and an appreciation by users that far from being eroded by the adverse circumstances will be in Smopyc rejuvenated and ready.

José Antonio Vicente, general manager of fair of Zaragoza
José Antonio Vicente, general manager of fair of Zaragoza.

GS: my recommendation is that they will seek to obtain the maximum benefit at the lowest cost. They are 5 days in which the supply and demand are put in contact in an intense way and we must do everything possible to take this opportunity.

JAV: I recommend to all exhibitors who leave nothing to chance to get the most of your participation. From Feria de Zaragoza we put everything at its disposal to contribute to its success. They must pamper their participation, announcing to its clients, taking advantage for product launches, news and offers, caring for the image of the stand, as well as know and the own exhibition services and, of course, be prepared to conduct business and make good contacts.

FC: Finally, by way of summary I should like to ratify Smopyc 2011 passes through increased momentum of internationalization. We are going to grow in the foreign market, as well as further analysis of the demand to improve competitiveness. The Organizing Committee of the salon, which I am its President, has worked very hard to get a room that is recognized and widely appreciated. The image of Smopyc is a consolidated and reliable image and has become the meeting from 5 to 9 April 2011 the key to enter into new markets.

Related Companies or Entities

Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Maquinaria de Construcción, Obras Públicas y Minería
Asociación Nacional Distribuidores e Importadores de Maquinaria de Obras Públicas, Minería y Construcción
Feria de Zaragoza
SMOPYC - Feria de Zaragoza

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