
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Diez marcas punteras se asocian por la innovación y la calidad

Ten leading brands are associated with innovation and quality


December 17, 2009

On November 26 was formed in Madrid the Manufacturers Association of brand leaders in hardware, supplies, DIY and construction for innovation and quality, Association non-profit which aims to promote innovation as a generator of value for all supply chain and quality development.

The Association, open to all companies that share the aims and purposes of the same, was founded by ten leading brands in their different spheres of action. Alphabetical order are: aghasa turis, Alex wheels, Shelving Simon, Gala Gar, Juba, Krafft, Panter, pferd Caballito, rombull ronets and Worx.

The purposes that give sense include those that promote innovation and quality as generators of added value and the defense of industrial property; the promotion of relations with the distribution and use of the information technology as a way of optimizing the communication between the operators of the value chain; promote the technical and business training of staff and workers in the sector and combating unfair commercial and industrial practices.

The Board of Directors of the entity is composed by:

President: Ignacio Gonzalez, Pferd seahorse
First Vice-President: Rocío Pajares de Panter
Second Vice-President and spokesperson: Darío Alonso, of Aghasa agencies
Secretary: Ibán Moreno, Simón shelving
Treasurer: Dario José Alonso, Worx
Vocal: Luis Gardeta, of Gala Gar
Member: Juan Pedro Barrios, Juba
Vocal: Jesus Etxebeste, Krafft
Vocal: Jaime wheels Alex Asens
Vocal: Vicente Pajares, de Rombull Ronets


  1. Promote and defend the legitimate common interests of its partners, in the commercial and industrial area, acting for it before any physical or legal person, Association, public or private, national and international institution including the public administration.
  2. Promote innovation as a generator of value and quality development.
  3. The development of the protection of industrial property.
  4. Promote the products of partners.
  5. Foster relationships with the distribution.
  6. Maintaining contacts and relations with similar associations of other countries.
  7. Developing tools of marketing and management to promote the quality of the products of the members.
  8. Encourage the use of the information technology for the optimization of communication between the operators of the supply chain.
  9. Promote the technical and business training of staff and workers in the sector.
  10. Contribute to the sector actions that bet for innovation, quality and added value.
  11. Combat unfair trade and industrial practices.
  12. Delete by all legal means available, the practice of professional intrusion, and the illegal competition in any form.
  13. Undertake many actions are necessary to ensure that, in collaboration with the organizations of production, distribution and consumption, study, promote and perform everything in economic, social, technical, scientific, legal and fiscal matters and in the material and moral aspectsIt may be useful to its members in general, as well as contribute to the expansion and prosperity of the national economy.
  14. Advise and collaborate with centres and private agencies or of the Administration in few problems is relations with the activity of its members.
  15. Ensure the professional prestige of entrepreneurs in the sector, defending their dignity and caring for his image to the public.

Related Companies or Entities

Juba Personal Protective Equipment, S.L.
Pferd-Rüggeberg, S.A.
Ruedas Alex, S.L.U.

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