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Enomaq-Oleomaq halls were supported with a large presence of exhibitors and professionals

Enomaq-Oleomaq confirm leadership of fair of Zaragoza in the wine and oil sectors

Drafting Interempresas23/02/2009

February 23, 2009

The binomial of oil and wine were again combined perfectly in the four rooms dedicated to the sector which opened its doors in the facilities of Feria de Zaragoza from 10 to 13 February. Enomaq, the seventeenth International exhibition of machinery for wineries and bottling, and Oleomaq, the second Chamber of machinery and equipment for mills, gathered during four days the companies more leading edge and innovative in the field oleica and wine in the international market.

Approximately 25,000 professionals visited the four rooms dedicated to wine and the oil in fair of Zaragoza, in an edition which featured difficult by the current economic situation. Contests closed their doors after four days marked by the fusion of tradition and innovation, and by the incessant activity of exhibition and commercial contacts.

The amalgam of international samples gathered in fair of Zaragoza served as a showcase which exhibited the latest innovations in the field of machinery and technologies applied to the wine and the oil industry, and beverages in general.

In total, 55,000 square meters, distributed between six wards, housed 1075 exhibitors from five continents. Of these, 560 were Spanish firms, while 530 were foreign representatives. Enomaq and Oleomaq were specifically with 35,000 square metres and 806 exhibitors: international national and 416 390.

Approximately 25,000 professionals visited the four rooms dedicated to wine and the oil in fair of Zaragoza, in an edition which featured difficult by the current economic situation

One of the novelties that enjoyed great popularity and concurrency within the activity scheduled for four days was the launching of the 'Club of the oenologist', where the professional winemakers carried out their tastings aimed at the less expert public, but who showed great interest to know the qualities and nuances that present the wines. This space, which merges the fun activity with the most professional, he became one of the protagonists of the exhibition event.

Within the framework of Enomaq also was held on the first trade fair day, an emotional tribute to two important figures for the development and progress of this Hall. From Feria de Zaragoza wanted to highlight the work carried out by Hector Auseré, present since the first meeting held in 1974. The President of the Organizing Committee of Enomaq 2009, Alfredo Ibisate, was also honored for his work at the forefront of this working group since 2001.

The amalgam of samples served as a showcase for the latest in machinery applied to the wine and the oil industry
The amalgam of samples served as a showcase for the latest in machinery applied to the wine and the oil industry.

Intense discussions in the specialized Conference

Future challenges for the wine and oil, the new emerging markets for wine and olive oil sector, as well as climate change or the interprofessional oil were some of the topics that more debate raised in the framework of trade fairs. Thus, throughout the day, the Congress Centre was stage for reflection, in which several experts discussed about the position of the markets tecnoalimentarios and the communication and marketing strategies.

On the day on grape and wine growing was discussed on global warming that may affect the production of wine in Spain and the new setting to suit the variety of the grape to the characteristics of the terrain and climate. In the table on the challenge of the future, experts pointed out that you it's emerging factors: new trends in the development and breeding, as well as the incorporation of biotechnologies.

Among the challenges of future listed the need to improve the quality and food safety, efficient management to help productivity and look for the sustainability of farms

The Technical Conference of olive growing, the interprofessional scored in the agenda of the day with an intense debate in which the rule which came into force in November 2008 and will have a budget of EUR 7.5 million was analyzedthat will he go primarily to the promotion, but also to the promotion and development of the r & d and to the achievement of market studies.

With regard to weaknesses faced by the sector, speakers pointed to the insufficient cooperation inter and intra; orientation to the product, but not to the market; the little professionalization and the structural features, the olive grove is considered a source of supplementary income. On the other hand, need to improve the quality and food safety, efficient management were listed among the challenges for the future to help productivity and look for the sustainability of farms, as well as to appeal to incorporate more human capital with training.

Finally, as explained, the countries that make olive oil map times are those of the European Union - led by Spain-, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey. Meanwhile, as potential countries and mass consumption include Australia, Brazil, United States and Japan.

On the day on grape and wine growing was discussed in the new scenario to suit the variety of the grape to the characteristics of the terrain and...
On the day on grape and wine growing was discussed in the new scenario to suit the variety of the grape to the characteristics of the terrain and climate.

Trade missions

Also in the framework of the four halls were the recognized 'commercial missions'. During two days, the business meetings marked the agenda, in which participated more than 100 delegations from Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Turkey.

This is one of the traditional activities that are carried out within the framework of the pageants and consisting of the visit of importers of machinery of viticulture and olive growing. In this occasion, he opted for the selection of specific markets that focus the Spanish production.

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Feria de Zaragoza

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