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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Smopyc 2008 bate su récord de participación
Fair of Zaragoza facilities have been the center of business for more than 2,000 companies around the world

Smopyc 2008 breaking his record of participation

Drafting Interempresas15/04/2008

April 15, 2008

Smopyc 2008, the largest event construction, public works and mining which was held this year at the international level, opened its doors in fair of Zaragoza in the presence of the Princes of Asturias. Among the two thousand exhibitors we know the news that presented various companies in the sector of the hardware store.
Inauguration of Smopyc 2008
Inauguration of Smopyc 2008.
In this regard, the President of the trade fair institution stressed the character and the size of the exhibition, as well as it has highlighted the presence of the Princes of Asturias at the opening, as he has pointed out the President of Feria de ZaragozaManuel Teruel, has served to increase the weight and the recognition of the fair.

Smopyc 2008, exhibited, until Saturday 26 April, the largest technology and innovation of this important segment for the economy. In total, more than 2,000 companies participated in this call and the exhibition area amounted to 400,000 square meters.

During five days, the Aragonese capital became the Centre of business and exhibition of the latest technology in machinery and equipment for the construction. It's an ideal place to promote a dynamic and productive space in which to develop the business meetings.

Thus, a total of forty-four countries around the world - in the Hall were present the five continents, gathered at the zaragozanas exhibition facilities to participate in this international show and took to launch to the market its most cutting-edge machinery. This new edition, which has broken record both in participation and in improvements in the infrastructure of the site and access, has become a reference citation in 2008 for all professionals in the sector.

More than two thousand companies participated in the contest, including some of the hardware sector
This edition has beaten your record of participation
This edition has beaten your record of participation.

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Feria de Zaragoza

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