
This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Unión Fenosa construirá una planta de ciclo combinado de 800 MW en Zorita
The project consists of two groups of 400 MW of power (five times exceeding the of the nuclear power plant)

Union Fenosa will build a plant in Zorita 800 MW combined cycle

Drafting QU01/06/2006
Union Fenosa has asked the Ministry of industry administrative permission for the construction of a combined cycle in Almonacid de Zorita (Guadalajara). This station will be located at the site of the nuclear José Cabrera, whose final stop has been the month of April.
In 2007, Union Fenosa will have a total power installed in cycles combined in all 3,600 MW Spain
In 2007, Union Fenosa will have a total power installed in cycles combined in all 3,600 MW Spain
The new combined cycle will consist of two groups of 400 MW each and the investment planned for its construction will reach 253 million euros. According to the calendar included in administrative procedures, construction will begin in the first quarter of 2009 and the entry into commercial operation will take place two years later.

Each of the two groups will be equivalent to one year of consumption in the province of Guadalajara. In fact, the 800 MW are multiply by five power installed so far in the Zorita nuclear power. The new plant will result in the creation of 50 direct jobs.

This project responds to the initial purpose of Union Fenosa maintain the industrial character of the land that is nuclear José Cabrera. The company believes that it thus takes advantage of the site prepared for the power generation, that it has adequate infrastructure, natural resources, proximity to the major centres of consumption and trained personnel. In addition the company has the good relationship that over the past 40 years has maintained with the municipalities of the environment.

Beginning of a new stage

For Union Fenosa, the closure of the José Cabrera nuclear power is the end of a stage that began its construction in 1965. Since the Government decided its early closure of the installation, those responsible for the central have focused its activities in achieving the first closure of a nuclear facility that is carried out in Spain is carried out in an exemplary manner.
From left to right: Pedro López Jiménez, President of Union Fenosa and Emilio Pérez Touriño, President of the Xunta de Galicia...
From left to right: Pedro López Jiménez, President of Union Fenosa and Emilio Pérez Touriño, President of the Xunta de Galicia.
On 30 April, when there was the final stop of the power of José Cabrera, began a process of three years of preparation of the installation for its dismantling. At the same time, be carried out the construction of a nuclear waste store or warehouse temporary individualized (ATI). From the year 2009, will begin the process of dismantling which will last until 2015.

To carry it out maintains a staff of approximately 70 employees and it will work with the national enterprise of waste (Enresa) through the use of the knowledge and experience of the staff to complete the stage of dismantling.

In 2005, the production of the power of José Cabrera was 1,161 GWh, equal to 75 percent of the annual demand for energy in Guadalajara. The operational readiness was over 90 per cent.

The cycle combined in Zorita investment amounted to 253 million euros and will create 50 direct jobs

New cycle combined in A Coruña

The President of the Xunta de Galicia, Emilio Pérez Touriño, presided over the last month of may the Act of laying the first stone of the combined cycle gas Sabón (municipality of Arteixo, A Coruña). Also present at the ceremony were the Mayor of Arteixo, Manuel Pose; the President of Union Fenosa, Pedro López Jiménez; the Vice President and Chief Executive Officer, Honoré Lopez Island and general director Adviser to Unión Fenosa, Elías Velasco.

The location of Sabón is a strategic location for the company because of its proximity to the regasification plant of Mugardos (Reganosa), your connection through the network of pipelines, their situation in the electricity grid, as well as its proximity to the future outer harbor of Punta Langosteira.

The President of Union Fenosa, Pedro López Jiménez, explains the works to the President of the Valencian Generalitat...
The President of Union Fenosa, Pedro López Jiménez, explains the works to the President of the Valencian Generalitat, Francisco Camps and the Minister of infrastructure and transport of the Generalitat, José Ramón García Antón.
The energy produced by the new cycles is equivalent to the consumption of energy in the province of Guadalajara for two years
The investment for the construction, development and implementation of the combined cycle gas in Sabón amounted to 221,3 million euros, and will result in a creation of wealth in the area of more than 5 million euros a year. The construction of the plant, whose cornerstone has already placed, will be completed in June 2007 and their entry into commercial operation is scheduled for November 2007. Its construction involved companies such as General Electric, Cobra, Socoin and the Korean company, Doosan, manufacturer of the caldera.

In the opening ceremony, Pedro López Jiménez, President of Union Fenosa, noted that "this project is an energy bet on the future of Galicia and Union Fenosa in this community" because it is the first of these features will be in operation in Galicia, and "because the committed investment expresses with business facts linking and the roots of Union Fenosa in Galicia".

The combined cycle of Sabón is part of the generation of the company growth plan and will make a contribution of another 400 MW to the 1,600 MW of power already installed of Union Fenosa.

Sabón project has been designed so that you can to maximize existing facilities in the current power station Sabón, and with minimum environmental impact on the environment. In fact, the design of the cycle has been to minimize the need for water in such a way that reduces by 35 per cent contributions from water in a conventional power station. The evacuation of electrical energy will be implemented through the existing REE 220 kV substation.

Energy pole in Valencia

The energy pole of Union Fenosa in Sagunto, composed of the central cycle combined (under construction) and the Saggas (in commercial operation) regasification plant, become net exporter of energy, both gas and electricity to the Valencian Community.

Implementation of the gas combined cycle plant will help that Valencia move from deficit to surplus in production of electrical energy. With this project, Union Fenosa increased by 24 per cent the total power installed in this community, and creates wealth in the area by an amount of approximately EUR 15 million per year.

In 2007, Union Fenosa will have a total power installed in cycles combined in all 3,600 MW Spain
This plant will produce energy from natural gas and will achieve an energy efficiency next to 60 percent compared to 37% of conventional thermal power plants from coal and fuel. The plant, located in the future "Centre of energy advanced" Parc Sagunt, is composed of three groups of cycle combined with a global power, approximately 1,200 MW (3 X 400 MW). The investment planned for this infrastructure is 478 million euros.

The work of the plant, which is expected to enter commercial operation in 2007 began in early 2005. During the two years that will last its construction will work in the play 1,500 professionals. When in operation, the combined cycle will create 50 jobs fixed.

In parallel with the combined cycle of Sagunto plant, Union Fenosa provides entry into operation of the combined cycle plant in Sabón, in Galicia, of 400 MW in 2007. In that year, Union Fenosa will have a total power installed in cycles combined in all Spain of 3,600 MW. Sabón and Sagunto combined cycle plants are next to the two refineries in which participates Unión Fenosa (Reganosa and Saggas), respectively.

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