
Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Smagua se clausura con un incremento de visitantes del 15 por ciento

Smagua closes with an increase in visitors from 15 per cent

Smagua, 17 International Living room of the Water, that inaugurated the past 28 March, gathered in the Aragonese capital to the most leading companies and innovative in matter of technology hídrica of the world. But of 28.000 people have visited the contest, what, to fault to obtain the definite data, supposes to surpass in more than a 15 percent the number of assistants with regard to 2004.

Along these days, the pavilions of Fair of Saragossa have constituted in the best forum to improve the sector of the water and the environingingment. Smagua Is one of the most notable appointments south of Europe in matter hídrica and ones of the most recognised to world-wide level. In the seven pavilions (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9) have given quotes leading and innovative companies to international level, with the presence of representatives of 37 pertinent countries of the five continents.

In the edition of 2006, the display units have reached the figure of 1.567, what involves an upper growth to the 18 percent. In surface the increase reaches the 20 percent, when happening this of the 54.915 metres of 2004 to the 66.086 of this edition. This year, besides, of five pavilions that occupied in 2004 have happened to occupy seven. Regarding the technical innovations, a total of 29 companies expositoras have presented 42 innovative proposals that represent to all the sectors that houses the living room: investigations in new materials and processes, as well as the application of the technologies of the information to the systems of control, in equipment and systems that include for example GPRS, radio or internet, to control the water in the regadíos, new solutions in disinfection and treatment of water and new generations of pumps, pipes and valves, that facilitate the work and look for the durability, the efficiency and the low consumption of water and electricity.

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