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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Entrevista a Ángel Ortega, presidente de la Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología sin Zanja
“There is all a market for exploding around the Technologies without Resolves”

Interview to Ángel Ortega, president of the Iberian Association of Technology without Resolves

David Muñoz25/04/2014

Of the 13 to 15 October of this year, Fair of Madrid will receive the 32ª edition of the International No Dig, the greater world-wide event of the industry of the Technology Without Resolve, a meeting that will gather to cientos of professionals interested in learning the new methods and technical that save money and that improve the infrastructures without prejudicing to the citizens neither to the environingingment. We interview to Ángel Ortega, president of the Iberian Association of Technology without Resolve (Ibstt), to know in which situation finds the organisation of this important meeting.

How they go the preparativos of the International No-Dig Madrid 2014?

At present, big part of our daily activity is centring in achieving notoriety for the Congress, generate presence in the media, attract to the public with power of decision, achieve sponsors, as well as display units national and international that participate in the greater annual event of the industry of the Technology Without Resolve World-wide, that goes to celebrate this year for the first time in our country.

Are keeping meetings to the highest level, with the main leaders of opinion, promoting his diffusion with days and round tables in the fairs and international living rooms. The main aim is to attract public qualified visitor with true power of prescription and of decision of purchase, facilitating that the personal contact prosper in commercial actions.

Ángel Ortega, president of the Iberian Association of Technology without Resolve (Ibstt)
Ángel Ortega, president of the Iberian Association of Technology without Resolve (Ibstt).

What next initiatives go to tackle in this sense?

Precisely, on 29 May celebrate in Madrid a presentation to national level, in collaboration with the University Pontificia of Comillas-ICA. The format will include a series of round tables: ‘Introduction to the Technologies Without Resolve', presenting of a clear and informative way ours technical: location and inspection, rehabilitation and perforación directed of any type of services buried, networks of supply and saneamiento, networks of gas, electricity, wire, telecommunications, optical fibre, inferior steps under existent services (roads, railway industrys, rivers, tracks of airports, fields of golf, installations protected,…); ‘current Situation of the Technology Without Resolves in Spain' through reports that put of self-evident the point of view of the city councils, of the companies of water, gas and telecommunications, on the advantages of his utilisation to economic level, environingingmental and citizen; and debates on these technologies recognised by the UN (Program 21, Capitulate 34) like technologies ecologically rational and environingingmentally sustainable that promote the sustainable development of the cities, that protect to the citizens and to the environingingment and that they are indispensable for the development of the ‘Smart Cities'.

After the celebration of more than 30 editions in different parts of the world, this is the first time that the Ibstt will exert of hostess of this meeting. What supposes for his association?

Is a pride, is the first time that participate and lead the presidency of the Annual World-wide Congress and Universal Exhibition on the Technology Without Resolve, of the hand of the international association. It is the first time, in 31 years, that the documentation, web and brochure of this event, as well as a third part of the conferences, are in Spanish. And it is the first time that the Technical Committee Scientist of the Congress includes Spanish names of pertaining experts to entities, universities and national organisms of recognised international prestige.

How it was the process so that they assigned them the organisation of this edition?

In May of 2011, presented in Berlin the candidature of Madrid like official headquarters of the 32ª edition of the International No Dig 2014, and went precisely a 2 May, after a series of visits of inspection of the International Committee funded by Madrid Convention Bureau (City council of Madrid), when Ibstt was proclaimed winning of the candidature to celebrate in Madrid the 32ª edition of the International No Dig 2014. From here it began the ‘countdown', in some really hard moments for the sector.

Could advance us some of the main appeals that goes to have this 32ª edition of the International No-Dig?

Treats of an only event, singular and irrepetible in a lot of years, since it changes annually of headquarters and continent. The next headquarters will be: in 2015 Istanbul (Turkey), in 2016 Peking (China), in 2017 Medellín (Colombia), in 2018 Washington, D.C. (EE UU) and at present ours homologous in France, the Fstt, is preparing his candidature so that Paris was the headquarters of the International No Dig in 2019.

During three days will serve of shop window for all the world of technology and innovation, and an international projection of image and mark. It will serve of bridge of union and platform of exchange with Latin America. Definitely it will be an only occasion to know and give to know.

Will be meeting point to debate the new advances, projection and opportunities of promotion for the companies participants, improving his business and networking international.

The program will have a wide fan of technical sessions, 40 in English and, for the first time, 20 in Spanish, live demonstrations of the last technologies and products... Innovation, knowledge and new technologies will give the hand in the international appointment more important of the year for the industry of the Technology without Resolves.

The Technologies without Resolves allow to realizar works of perforación without disturbing the daily activity in installations like the...
The Technologies without Resolves allow to realizar works of perforación without disturbing the daily activity in installations like the aeroportuarias.

By what comments, is an only occasion for all those that are interested in this market…

Goes to provide a direct access to an international network of more than 4.000 expert technicians in Technology Without Resolves of 29 countries, with the participation of high representatives of the administration to national and international level, delegates vip of the rest of international societies of Technology without Resolve…

Presents a multisectorial character, agglutinating administrations and public and private organisms, constructors, service companies, operators, installers, engineers, consultancies, manufacturers and/or distributors of team, elements and accessories for all type of drivings, associations, professional schools, universities, technical schools, as well as centres of investigation and technological development.

For a professional that never have assisted to this meeting, could resumirle in what consists? What goes to find in him?

The International Congress International No Dig Madrid 2014, is the greater annual event of the industry of the Technology without Resolves to world-wide level, organised by the Istt (International Society Trenchless Technology) that engloba 29 societies of Technology without Resolve, homologous to Ibstt, in 29 countries of the five continents. International No Dig carries celebrating during 32 consecutive years in different headquarters and promotes a sustainable development of the cities by means of the use of the Technologies Without Resolve, Technologies No Dig, Trenchless Technology approved by the UN like technologies ecologically rational and medioambientalmente sustainable (Diary 21 Cap.34).

Cientos Of professionals will assist to learn new methods and technical that save money and improve the infrastructures without prejudicing to the citizens neither to the environingingment. This International Congress and Universal Exhibition will offer to the assistants the opportunity to learn the methods through the technical conferences in English and Spanish. During three days will allow to the professional visitor speak and contact with the manufacturers and distributors, operators and installers.

Is a big forum that gathers to the best experts of all the world, where do new contacts, friends, and in which year after year they live incredible experiences, while it enjoys of the hospitality of the different countries that receive it, headquarters of the different societies of Technology without Resolves delivered by the world.

By what comments is a meeting point for all the sector, is not like this?

Sure enough, the International Exhibition No-Dig is a traditional meeting point where share and compare ideas; and to be to the day of the last novelties regarding products and services for the development and maintenance of installations soterradas.

Supposes an only opportunity where gather with companies of public services: water, saneamiento, telecommunications, gas, electricity, representatives of the central government, autonomic and local, presidents, advisers delegated, experts of companies of engineering, public and private universities, authorities of professional schools, manufacturers, contractors, municipal technicians…

Expect that this forum constitute a tool to the service of the industry of the Technology Without Resolves in the Iberian market, and that serve of exchange of information and promote the relations between those that are engaged with the world of the engineering and the new technologies in profit of the citizens and the environingingment: municipal technicians attendants of the sewerage and saneamiento, contractors, operators, consultores, engineers, personnel of construction or of maintenance of industrial plants, prevention of risks, manufacturers, companies of water and other services of infrastructures buried.

Works of perforación horizontal for the Glass America of celebrated Sail in Valencia
Works of perforación horizontal for the Glass America of celebrated Sail in Valencia.

The International No-Dig has a part of Congress and another of Exhibition. Which type of companies expose: providers, engineers, constructors…?

Go to expose constructors, service companies, engineers, consultancies, manufacturers and/or distributors of team, elements and accessories for all type of drivings of all and each one of the infrastructures of subterranean services, as well as of all type of materials. There will be providers of machinery for civil work, infrastructures, saneamiento, supply, gas, electricity, telecommunications, etc.

In definite, will give quotes companies with technologies for the inspection and location of drivings, by means of methods advanced of robotización; technologies for the installation of drivings (tubed, encamisados, push of tubes, perforación directed, perforación horizontal directed (HDD), microtúneles, pins of tubes, etc.), as well as specialists in technologies for the inspection and rehabilitation of drivings (equipment CCTV, packers, sleeve, compac pipe, CIPP…), technologies for the replacement of pipes (cracking, bursting, relining, close-fit, sliplining) and technologies for the sealed and the repair of drivings.

Also there will be space for companies that realizar works of location, inspection, installation, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation and/or replacement of all the services buried: networks of supply and saneamiento, networks of gas, electricity, wire, telecommunications, optical fibre, systems of drainage and evacuation, catchment of water and inmisarios, underwater emissaries, catchment for desaladoras, piscifactorías, inferior steps under existent services (roads, railway industrys, rivers, tracks of airports, fields of golf, installations protected, etc.).

In another interview that realizar him does something more than two years, commented that in Spain does not exist tradition of works by means of Technology without Resolves. It has improved his implantation in this time?

Sure enough, in that occasion commented that 80% of the works could do without raising the paving neither bother to the neighbours. In our cities does indispensable tend and renew the networks of water, gas, electricity, telecommunications that visit our subsoil. The construction or the rehabilitation of these numerous channelling carried rigged inevitably the constant opening of annoying resolve, that interrupted the circulation peatonal, cut the shod, produced noises, dust, demolitions, evacuation of earths, contribution of materials of filling, use of machinery and trucks that issue CO2 to the atmosfera, patches in the pavings,... And an interminable list of conditions, inconvenient and environingingmental extra costs and to the citizen. But nowadays it is perfectly possible, in the majority of the cases, build networks of subterranean channelling without opening resolve along his outline. In each work surpass previous limits, improve the procedures, incorporate new technical and material and reduce costs.

On the other hand, the administrations and the companies of public services are looking for better forms to update and give maintenance to the networks of drinkable water and saneamiento, what supposes a big opportunity to participate in these future investments for the sector of the Technologies Without Resolves in Spain. These technicians allow to give back new life to many old drivings to which the step of the time has snatched them his capacities and characteristic: impermeabilidad, capacity of transport,... In definite, can prolong in 25 or 50 years the life of a driving.

The editorial of projects applying Technologies without Resolves is simpler and the conditions to the environingingment are minimum...
The editorial of projects applying Technologies without Resolves is simpler and the conditions to the environingingment are minimum.

Really if we look today our streets, no longer open so many resolve as it does some years but understand that this is more achacable to the economic crisis, to the fall in the public investment, that to a greater implantation of the Technologies without Resolve, no? It thinks that this crisis also can have his positive side in the measure in that it win in profesionalización in this type of works?

There is all a market for exploding around the Technologies without Resolve, and am convinced that his utilisation goes to grow until situating us to European levels. They arose it does some twenty years in Centroeuropa and have his big gap of market in societies developed where resolves it conventional turns into something very annoying, whose existence leaves to have sense when having alternative more advantageous economically that they do not involve his opening. The installation of a pipe of lighted up, of gas or of supply involves detours of traffic, breaks in the paving with the consequent broadcast of noises and dust, withdrawal of materials of the floor and subsoil, that once installed the pipe has to go back to bring, and the replacement of the paving. By the contrary, the Technologies without Resolves avoid all these problems and besides, the terms of execution are spectacularly shorter. Studies realizar show that the application of these technicians, achieves a reduction in the broadcasts of CO2 from among 78% and 90% in front of the technicians that involve opening of resolves.

One of the solutions to improve the situation is to bet by a greater profesionalización of municipal and responsible technicians of these urban services. On the other hand, it is necessary to give to know the existence and application of these technicians to the final addressees of his application: citizens, traders, political managers of the construction and management of the cities and, in definite, to all the society. It is the moment that the professionals and the society civi, collaborate to achieve convert our cities in ‘Smart Cities', cities more intelligent and safe, guaranteeing the needs of future generations.

Our country has still a lot of deficiencies in matter of subterranean networks of communications, water, gas… Opens this big possibilities to the Technologies without Resolves?

In effect, exists already a wide fan of technicians that allow, for example, install a driving of water of several hundreds of metres of length without more than practising a tasting in one of the extremes, by which enters the device that goes opening go through the subsoil and dragging the new driving, and another tasting in the end of the outline, by which these devices go out again to the outside to be disassembled. By the surface, the pedestrians can walk by the footpath without restrictions neither annoyances, access freely to his portals or to the trades and offices. The vehicles circulate with normality, extraneous to that under them is carrying out a work with Technology without Resolves.

Another possibility is the one of the rehabilitation of existent drivings. We can enfundar inwardly ancient channelling giving them back the impermeabilidad stray, and enter new drivings by the interior of the old, no only conserving but many times improving his capacity of transport.

Works of perforación in a prey
Works of perforación in a prey.

What can contribute them, for example, the expansion of the optical fibre?

The deployment of networks of urban optical fibre, allocated to offer services FTTH, using existent infrastructures, has carried to use innovative technicians of deployment of networks No-Dig.

The network of sewerage varies in each city so much by the step of the time as by the conditions specify of each network. Depending on the accessibility of the same, and attending to the distinct diameters, applies the Technology without Resolve more adapted to each case. It does not interfere with the operation of the system of sewerage, is instalable in pipes of any material (PVC, concrete, ceramic, ..) And it is manufactured with materials anticorrosivos and resistant to the environingingment in which they install .

What other advantages offers the utilisation of the networks of saneamiento of the cities for the deployment of networks FTTH?

In the first place, deletes the need to do civil work in the city, avoiding the annoyances to the citizens. All the buildings are ‘connected' to the network of saneamiento and therefore, the optical fibre can arrive easily to the interior of the building through the manifolds of the network. When deleting practically the invasion of the public road, reduce the management associated.

Second, abarata the costs of deployment, what in the case of networks FTTH has a high impact place that the need to access to all the homes would involve high costs of civil work.

In third term, reduce the terms of execution since the deployment by the network of saneamiento is faster that the creation of new infrastructures.

And finally, is usual that the company, at the same time that creates the network of infrastructure of optical fibre, take advantage of the works to rehabilitate the network of saneamiento, what supposes an important additional advantage.

Cities like Madrid, Santander, Seville, Córdoba, Alicante, Almería, Valencia, Castellón... Have agreements with the companies of water, as well as Badajoz has them with the companies of gas to share pipes. This situates to these city councils like referents in this field and open the possibility that new companies can position inside his municipal term. Promote these cities to the concept of ‘Smart City' no only will be beneficial for the group of the city in terms of domestic use, also will improve technologically the business fabric of the city and modernizarán the forms to work, facilitating the exert daily to autonomous and SMEs and loaning better services to the citizens.

The deployment of networks of urban optical fibre, allocated to offer services FTTH, using existent infrastructures...
The deployment of networks of urban optical fibre, allocated to offer services FTTH, using existent infrastructures, has carried to use innovative technicians of deployment of networks No-Dig.

To way of summary, could indicate us the main advantages that offer the Technologies without Resolves with regard to the traditional methods? They are conscious the professionals (and the own citizens) of these profits?

There are many, that have gone quoting along the interview, but will signal mainly four. First, when it excavates one resolves produces a volume of considerable earth in proportion to the reduced quantity of canalisation or wire soterrado. Now well, this volume of earth considers automatically a residue. These enormous tonnes of earth can not use again to fill up it. This involves an enormous cost in transport, with the consequent pollution.

Besides said demolitions become evacuated to a place of temporary storage and afterwards are transformed for his reuse. Once finished this process are sent to another place for a new use. This process is costly and contaminante. The Technologies without Resolves allow to divide by ten the volume of demolitions.

Segundo, there is not a deterioration of the shod, and therefore, the traffic, the pedestrians and the trades do not see affected, and neither the hygiene. There are not jams and diminishes the pollution.

Tercero, no only is better of face to the citizen and to the environingingment, but with help of the suitable professionals results more economic that the conventional work with opening of resolves.

And fourth, the editorial of projects applying Technologies without Resolves is simpler, and the conditions to the environingingment are minimum, by what at the end results that the Technologies without Resolves are cheaper.

Finally and like vision of future, thinks that after this crisis will happen to the history the image of a mixed or of a hammer/compressesor doing one resolves in the street? We will arrive to levels of technology without resolves like the attained in Germany?

Definitely, the utilisation of the Technologies without Resolves has to grow until situating us to the pair of the rest of Europe. Gijón, Córdoba, Casteldefells, Murcia, Alicante (only for quoting him some examples), are Spanish cities that use already the Technologies without Resolves of recurrent form and annually.

Doing reference to Germany, in Berlin carry using the Technologies without Resolves from the years 80, and to understand the impulse of this technical it is necessary to say that in that period the City council forced to pay by each kilometre of pipe no used and neither could dig one resolves under the trees (the city was full of them). Therefore it thought in employing these technologies. In fact, 50% of the works for subterranean channelling that do in Berlin do not employ resolve. And 100% of the new manifolds install with microtúnel, because it has seen that it is viable, that has evident advantages and because the public servicy has promoted it.

In London, for example, has tackled a plan of renewal of all the network of supply of the centre, what equivale to a total of 2.000 km, and in 60% have used Technologies without Resolves.

Thus, is necessary the promotion of these technologies, is necessary that know them all the municipal technicians of each village, of each Spanish city, and is necessary that the Administration involve and engage to the hour of his implantation, as it comes occurring in the rest of countries.

Round table titled ‘Present and Future of the Technologies Without Resolves in Spain, exists also the City Without Resolve, the City No Dig Spanish?'...
Round table titled ‘Present and Future of the Technologies Without Resolves in Spain, exists also the City Without Resolve, the City No Dig Spanish?', celebrated in Smopyc 2014.

Ibstt Had a stood out presence in Smopyc 2014

The Iberian Association of Technology without Resolve (Ibstt) assisted with stand own to the last edition of the fair Smopyc, celebrated in Fair of Saragossa of the 1 to 5 April. There it received to the different professionals interested in knowing more in depth, between other things, the different Technologies without Resolves that already there is available in the market, the most stood out appearances of the 32ª edition of the International No Dig and the advantages to belong to the Association.

Ibstt Also participated in the fair with the celebration of a round table titled ‘Present and Future of the Technologies Without Resolves in Spain, exists also the City Without Resolve, the City No Dig Spanish?', in which different professionals of the sector analysed the profits to use this type of technologies.

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Asociación Ibérica de Tecnología sin Zanja

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