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Imer distribution of Machinery follows expanding his catalogue of solutions


22 April 2014

Imer distribution of Machinery showed in Smopyc 2014 the last incorporations to his range of products, standing out the new line of generators, the pneumatics hammers MAC3 and level them laser Futech.

Through the French manufacturer Worms Entreprises, Imer Group can offer already to his customers a complete offer of tubular generators and with bodywork insonorizada to attend applications of electrical supply. In the stand of Imer distribution of Machinery in Smopyc could see some examples, like the portable generator Access 3400, of 3,3 KVAS, or the also portable generator Expert 5010 X, of 5,4 KVAS. In all the cases the power generators already were customised with the corporate green colour of Imer Group.

New generators in the stand of Imer distribution of Machinery
New generators in the stand of Imer distribution of Machinery.
Imer distribution of Machinery also has added recently to his catalogue the range of pneumatics hammers picadores, rompedores and cinceladores of the French manufacturer MAC3, a company of recent creation but in which they are involved professional that accumulate tens of years of experience in the sector of the air compressesed. The range composes of hammers rompedores standard of until 40 kg, hammers with system of amortiguación of until 25 kg, hammers picadores of until 13 kg and hammers cinceladores of until 7 kg.

Like third big novelty in the stand stood out the new line of levels laser Futech, of which could see in the different fair destined versions to offer precise measurements and adapted to each application.

The offer expositiva of Imer distribution of Machinery completed with other products already very known in the range of this company like the portable compressesors and the hydraulics hammers Rotair, the equipment of compactación light Mikasa, the shakers for concrete LAE, the platforms elevador Imer Access or the equipment of chorreo of sand Air Compresseses France.

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