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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Maquinza no faltó a su cita habitual con la feria Smopyc

Maquinza Did not be to his usual appointment with the fair Smopyc


21 April 2014

As it comes being usual, Maquinza, skilled company from the year 1980 in the sale, rent and repair of machinery of public work, construction, industry and agriculture, went back to attend to the fair Smopyc, showing in his stand some of the products of his signatures represented.

Of the range Doosan stood out the presence of the loaders shovel of wheels DL450, which offers an excellent productivity thanks to his big strength of push, what allows to work with the hardest materials. On the other hand, his high power of traction enables it for a simple penetration in silos of materials. With his powerful hydraulics system, the operator works with rapidity and power. The automatic transmission softens the handle and optimises the relations of change, avoiding shakes, as well as maximizando the comfort for the operator.

Of the line of miniexcavators Takeuchi, Maquinza exposed the model TB 215R, a machine of hardly 1.500 kg that enjoys of system of broadening of chains to be able to go through doors (980 mm) and win in stability when it excavates (1.300 mm). It can reach depths of excavation of until 2.375 mm.

Stand Of Maquinza in Smopyc 2014
Stand Of Maquinza in Smopyc 2014.
Of the mark Manitou, Maquinza exposed one of his manipuladores telescopic MT for the tasks of construction. The French manufacturer has a complete range of these equipment for the manipulation, load or placing of materials, with capacities of load of 2 to 21 tonnes and heights of elevation of 4 to 18 m.

In the stand also there was space for a roller monocilíndrico allocated to the compactación of earths Hamm 3307, as well as for different versions of hydraulics hammers and for an electrical platform of tijera 10RS of JLG, able to reach the 9,75 m of height of work (width of 1,22 m).

In Smopyc 2014 also there was space for another of the companies of the Group Maquinza, Hidra - Maq, which treasures a long experience in the sale, maintenance, spare parts and repair of motors and hydraulics pumps.

Stand Of Hidra-Maq in Smopyc 2014
Stand Of Hidra-Maq in Smopyc 2014.

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