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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Kaeser Compresores expuso en Smopyc 2014 una representación de sus equipos móviles para obra

Kaeser Compressesors exposed in Smopyc 2014 a representation of his mobile equipment for work


21 April 2014

Once again, Kaeser Compressesors did not be to the appointment of Smopyc showing in his stand some of his portable compressesors more sued in the world of the construction and the public work. One of them was the Mobilair 123, “conceived like an authentic multitalento for works”. This team with electronic regulation ‘Sigma Control Mobil' for the compressesor and the engine, is already available in a version optimised, producing even more air compressesed with a consumption of lower fuel.

Works of chorreado with the most diverse materials, from sand until dry ice, saneado of concrete, accionamiento simultaneous of heavy pneumatics hammers or replacement of equipment estacionarios, are only some of the a lot of tasks that can him entrust to the Mobilair 123, a compressesor that already was economic from a principle, but that offers now better results in performance and consumption. For example, the discharge supplied to 10 bar has increased in 2%, until 10,8 m³/min, and to 12 bar, even in 6,5%, reaching the 9,7 m³/min.

Mobilair 123 in the stand of Kaeser Compressesors of Smopyc 2014
Mobilair 123 in the stand of Kaeser Compressesors of Smopyc 2014.

Also was stood out the presence of the Mobilair 50 with capota of polyethylene, a compressesor that produces sufficient air compressesed for three hammers rompedores or for a ‘heavy team' equivalent. In spite of being in the category of 5 m³, treats of a light machine, versatile and ecological. His capota silenciadora with cubrerruedas integrated is manufactured in polyethylene sinterizado by centrifugation, does not corrode and is very robust and resistant to the scratches. The Mobilair 50 supplies 5 m³ of air compressesed by minute to 7 bar, generated by a block compressesor of efficient screw endowed of Profile Sigma, that optimises the circulation of the flow and reduces the consumption of fuel. The necessary kinetical power comes from of an engine turbodiésel of four cylinders refrigerated by water and transmits through an accionamiento 1:1 (that is to say, without losses by transmission).

Finally, is worthy to stand out the exhibition of the Mobilair 100, a compressesor for works of the class of 10 cubic metres that answers to the expectations of the market. 10,2 m³/min of effective discharge to 7 bar and four exits of air compressesed do of the Mobilair 100 a machine with a lot of possibilities, until the point that it can describe as “energetic head office” of mobile compressesed air for works. In addition to this version, exist also others for pressesures of 10, 12 and 14 bar, in which the pressesure can reduce until 5 bar by means of a manorreductor.

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