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Este artículo fue escrito originalmente en Spanish. Se ha traducido automáticamente para su comodidad. Se han hecho esfuerzos razonables para proporcionar una traducción precisa; sin embargo, ninguna traducción automática es perfecta, ni es su intención la de sustituir a un traductor humano. El artículo original en Spanish puede verlo en Uresa celebra su 30 aniversario como fabricante de punteros para martillo hidráulico
From three years ago, the Group has a second company called Aseru

Uresa Celebrates his 30 anniversary like manufacturer of pointers for hydraulics hammer

David Muñoz15/04/2014

Uresa, faithful expositor of Smopyc from the year 1991, took advantage of his presence in this last edition of the fair celebrating his 30 anniversary like manufacturer of pointers for hydraulics hammer. We review beside his manager, Avelino Cirilo of Gregorio, how have been these three decades of work and the strategic lines that is following the company for sustentar his growth.

Uresa, whose acronyms do reference to Utensils of Special Spare parts, S.A., was cream in 1984 in Barcelona like company of skilled mechanical engineering in the supply of spare parts for machinery of public work. “In that period, we appreciate that there were some needs in the market that were not being very attended, there were customers that were not finding in the pointers that purchased the specifications that really required. Thus, taking advantage of the experience that had previously in the world of the steel, decide to manufacture in own ours Barcelona pointers, with our own designs. We begin in Catalonia, doing the first proofs, and after checking that our products answered really to the requirements of the engine drivers, went us expanding by the rest of Spain”, remembers Avelino Cirilo of Gregorio, manager of Uresa, on those starts.

Avelino Cirilo of Gregorio, manager of the Group Uresa
Avelino Cirilo of Gregorio, manager of the Group Uresa.

The quality of the pointer Uresa was expanding little by little between the different professionals of the demolition, to the time that the company went giving to know increasingly with his presence in different fairs. In 1989 it exposed for the first time in Madrid and in 1991 was with stand in Smopyc, fair of which has been faithful expositor since.

Along the years, Uresa was expanding his range, including also material of wear (teeth, blades…), as well as custom-made skilled products of the customer. This has allowed him no only grow in the national market but also do his first sales in the outside. “We have had near of 2.000 distributors in Spain and Portugal, with a very high demand of product. Besides, little by little we were going out to the international market, especially to France, where ours presence to day of today is much stronger”, adds the manager of Uresa.

As a result of the crisis suffered by the market of the machinery of construction and public work in Spain, from the year 2008 Uresa has strengthened his process of internationalisation, expanding increasingly by regions like Latin America and Europe. In fact, to day of today, more than 50% of the turnover of Uresa has his origin in the external market.

Competitive values

Avelino Cirilo of Gregorio stands out the quality of the product Uresa like his main differential value: “The product Uresa follows manufacturing in Barcelona under the most strict controls of quality. This is what allows us guarantee his long durability. Whereas other pointers, manufactured in Asia fundamentally, hardly arrive to the 200 hours of life, our pointers can boast to having worked until 1.200 hours”.

To the intrinsic quality of the product, Uresa always has wanted to add a special care of the service to the customer. “Always we have wanted to stand out the human value of our company. To day of today, our personnel centres in giving a direct and fast service to the customer, keeping available in our stock some 830 references that manufacture and giving a time limit of seven days for cases of manufacture of special pieces like hincaraíles, clavaestacas, etc.”, recognises the responsible maximum of Uresa.

To give this agility in the terms, the company has the equipment of mechanised more modern of the sector, able to give exit to the requests of the customer in a record term with the most strict quality.

Stand Of Uresa in Smopyc 2014

Stand Of Uresa in Smopyc 2014.

Evolution of Aseru

In his politics of expansion, the Group Uresa takeed the initiative three years ago to create a second company. His name, Aresu, and his function: the commercialisation of a second line of pointers more economic as well as of spare parts for hydraulics hammers, always with the quality Uresa.

“Does some years arrive to an agreement with a European manufacturer of pointers, by which he buys us the pointers of Uresa and we his pointers, more economic, to be able to offer to our customers a second alternative of lower price through the company Aresu. The balance of this initiative is being very positive and in fact, have gone in very well with this product in countries like Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay and Venezuela”.

The evolution of the company does not finish here and also is increasing his range of special solutions, as for example clavaestacas or equipment to cut firewood, among others, what allows him diversify his activity and go in also in different markets to the traditional of the public work.

“The human team of the Group Uresa encara the future with illusion, are a financially solvent company and with an own heritage interesting. Regarding Smopyc, knew that the fair did not go to be the one of other years, but the truth is that we are very happy so much by the visits that are receiving as by the interest showed to our products by these visitors”, concluded Avelino Cirilo of Gregorio.

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Ure, S.A. (Uresa)

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