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This news article was originally written in Spanish. It has been automatically translated for your convenience. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace a human translator. The original article in Spanish can be viewed at Cohidrex consolida su presencia en España y potencia su salida al exterior
From it does a year has a department of export to favour his internationalisation

Cohidrex Consolidates his presence in Spain and improves his exit to the outside

David Muñoz21/04/2014

Cohidrex treasures a long experience in the supply of spare parts, accessories and implementos for machinery of public works, construction and minería. His general director, Alfonso Domínguez Fernández, reviews in this article the last measures that has taken the company in matter of diversification of range of product, internationalisation and potenciación of the commercial network, so much to face-to-face level as in e-commerce.

After commercialising successfully from does years the chains of rubber and metallic as well as the components of shooting under the own mark Trabber, Cohidrex took the decision in 2011 to open also an own line of material of wear (teeth, portadientes, protections, cazos, etc.) under the mark Trasteel. “It has been a risky but firm bet”, ensures Alfonso Domínguez, general director of Cohidrex. In fact, this strategy has had continuity in other two ranges of product that the company commercialises already equally under his own marks: lubricantes (Tralube) and blades quitanieves (Trasnow).

Alfonso Domínguez Fernández, general director of Cohidrex
Alfonso Domínguez Fernández, general director of Cohidrex.

“Have wanted to work with our own marks, choosing the best providers for these products, always under the same parameters of selection”, affirms Alfonso Domínguez. Between these parameters always prevails the quality: “we do not want to bring the cheapest. If precisely we put our mark to these products so that they differentiate of the rest, can not allow us a low quality. Our aim is that this product was the most competitive possible”, confirms the responsible maximum of the company.

For the selection of these providers, the personnel of Cohidrex has travelled acutely during the last years, especially to China and Korea, with the intention to be able to see in situ the productive processes of the candidates. Besides, it works with external laboratories to be able to certify the quality demanded to all and each one of his products. “The selection of the providers are doing it of a very personal way, stepping the factories, seeing the processes”, certifies Alfonso Domínguez.

In spite of having so only three years of life and to having been cream in full crisis of the sector of the public work, the mark Trasteel of material of wear is having a very positive evolution. In the case of Trabber, with a greater path in the market, this mark has turned into one of the main references for the professionals that have to substitute the chains of rubber or metallic, or some component of the system of shooting of his machines.


“Our aims at present are to consolidate us in Spain and Portugal and grow in matter of internationalisation”, resume Alfonso Domínguez. To attain this second put Cohidrex created does a year a department of export, with a person devoted exclusively to improve the exit to the outside. The balance of this initiative is “very positive”, attaining already important operations in countries like Sweden, Italy, France or United Kingdom, among others many. One of the current challenges of the company is to expand even more in Sudamérica (already has done operations in Chile or Bolivia, for example) and for this next summer will undertake one turns by different Latin American countries to close agreements with new customers and collaborators, many of them contacts that did during the past Bauma (Munich) where Cohidrex had a stand own for the first time.

This exit to the outside does not suppose, as it confirms Alfonso Domínguez, neglect the Spanish market. It is more, Cohidrex along the last months has taken a series of initiatives, like the again personal contracting, to improve and expand his network of sales in Spain. Through a firm network of distributors, of revendedores (without exclusivity) and of the special attention that traditionally has fixed in customers stood out, like the rentals of machinery, the company expects to follow consolidating in the Spanish market of the spare parts, implementos and accessories.

In this sense also is interesting to stand out one of his last initiatives, which comes backed by a remarkable success. Cohidrex Has opened the road of the e-commerce through his web page and in hardly a year of life this channel already generates 20% of the turnover of the company. “The performance of our on-line shop is being fantastic. it is employing It Especially the Spanish customer but already have also operations, by this channel, of customers in France and Portugal”, affirms Alfonso Domínguez.

Stand Of Cohidrex in Smopyc 2014
Stand Of Cohidrex in Smopyc 2014.

A catalogue in expansion

To the margin of his own marks, Cohidrex has the distribution of important international signatures. Between other a lot of, carries the representation, from 12 years ago, of Black Cat Blades, one of the main references in the world of the material of wear, which complements perfectly with Trasteel.

To day of today, Cohidrex has near of 40.000 references created and some 20.000 alive, for immediate delivery to the customer. All they find in the main warehouse of the company in Cáceres, which goes to see expanded próximamente with 600 m2 additional of surface.

Positive sectorial perspectives

Alfonso Domínguez is of the professionals that thinks that the worst of the crisis has happened, that the market already hit rock bottom. “Along the last years has gone out a lot of machinery of our country, especially through the auctions. Therefore, by little that reactivate the biddings and the contractings, go to need new equipment. In fact, already it perceives a bit more than movement in the market and a machine that starts in the morning, obviously will need a spare this afternoon, the next day or some weeks later. The providers of spare parts ‘go mounted on of the machine' and can say that we go to the same speed that goes she. Therefore, if sure enough there is work, we also will appreciate this mejoría”.

Related Companies or Entities

Cohidrex, S.L.

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