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The company does a positive balance of his presence in the fair

It marry it exposed his new generation of efficient machinery in Conexpo-With/Agg 2014

Editorial Interempresas14/03/2014

Marry Construction Equipment presented the last novelties incorporated to his lines of compact machinery and weighed in the fair Conexpo-With/Agg 2014 celebrated between the 4 and on 8 March in The Vegas (EE UU). With more than 125.000 assistants and 2.400 display units, this is the main fair of machinery of construction of United States, where exhibits the last in machinery, technology and innovation.

The friendly stand of Marry, inspired by the famous Centre of Customers Tomahawk of North Woods (Wisconsin), attracted to numerous visitors interested in the novelties and the surprising events that celebrated around him during all the week. Besides, it Marry it announced his collaboration with the star of music country Kip Moore to participate in a series of acts of community character and of commitment with the customers in 2014, included the exclusive performance in direct of Moore during the fair. Also they delivered replies artesanales of the dozer Series M of Marry to the visitors that participated in a special contest in Twitter, whereas the people that carried an orange waistcoat of Marry inside and out of the enclosure ferial had the opportunity to win 100 dollars and other prizes.

Stand Of Marry Construction Equipment in Conexpo-With Agg 2014

Stand Of Marry Construction Equipment in Conexpo-With Agg 2014.

Marry presented the retrocargadora 580 Super N Wide Track, inspired by the van Ram Laramie Longhorn, with the distinctive appearance in black and golden characteristic of Ram. The retrocargadora will participate in one turns of events sponsored by Ram and Marry, that will celebrate by all United States with the new van Ram 3500 Laramie Longhorn Crew Cab 4x4 in accordance with two of the most characteristic images of the works in the sector of the construction: the robust Ram 3500 Dually and the tireless retrocargadora Marry.

Faithful to his leaf of route to fulfil the norms on broadcasts more strict, Marry presented a line in expansion of machines that fulfil the Tier 4 Final. When trusting the technology of motors of reference of the market, developed by the company twins FPT Industrial, Marry confirmed his excellent position to guarantee his success when the norm Tier 4 Final between in force.

“Conexpo-With/Agg has been an event that has reported a lot of success to Marry”, commented Mario gasparri, president of mark of CNH Industrial Construction Equipment. “We have attended in our stand to an impressesive number of customers of all the world, with an important representation of big accounts and dealers of Europe, those who commented that it had impressesed them the received in the stand, the amplitude of the range of products of the mark and the importance of the international group to the that belong”.

Marry Construction Equipment presented in the fair the last novelties incorporated to his lines of compact and heavy machinery...
Marry Construction Equipment presented in the fair the last novelties incorporated to his lines of compact and heavy machinery.

“Are very proud of the novelties that have presented in The Vegas”, added gasparri. “They incorporate successfully our firm commitment with the quality, the productivity and the saving of fuel, and help to our customers to realizar the work of efficient form, profitable and exactly of the way that want. They are the known strong points of Marry from 1842. At present, our line in expansion reflects to perfection the DNA of our mark, built on solid bases, offering a professional partner, innovative and modern to the sector of the construction”.

Maximum productivity with the last in excavator Tier 4

Like exclusive advance to world-wide level, Marry desveló the new hydraulics excavator of chains CX350D, the first model of the Series D that fulfils the Tier 4 Final, that will commercialise in Europe the next year. With an engine of 271 CV and an innovative solution Tier 4 Final, that combines the technologies of recirculation refrigerated of the gases of leakage (CEGR), selective catalytic reduction (SCR) and catalytic oxidation diesel (DOC), the CX350D maximiza the power and the provision. Together with the hydraulics controls improved, Marry it CX350D offers greater strength of excavation and capacity of elevation, as well as until 10% more than saving of fuel.

Marry showed also his Series C of excavators of chains with better provision, with a model CX250C Long Reach (long scope) of 28,1 tonnes. Accionada By an engine diesel Tier 4 Interim, the Series C optimises the productivity and the efficiency thanks to the use of advanced technologies like the intelligent hydraulics system of Marry, that helps to manage the engine and the hydraulics system. With a feather of 8 metres in the version Long Reach, the excavator of chains CX250C can reach the 18 metres.

The model CX80C exhibited was a faithful representative of the offer of middle-sized excavators of Marry. Launched in 2013, the excavator CX80C is instrumented with the best engine Tier 4 Final of his category, that uses until 5% less than fuel. With a big ease of maintenance, minimum time of inactivity and dimensions reduced, and without doing grantings in terms of visibility and comfort, the CX80C is conceived to offer the provision of the excavators of upper category.

New hydraulics excavator of chains CX350D
New hydraulics excavator of chains CX350D.

Big power in the dozers Series M

The dozers Series M of Marry, launched in Bauma in Europe, turned into the centre of attention in the fair Conexpo-With/Agg with the models M1150, M1650 and M2050. Rediseñados From zero, this line of three models improves the productivity with the best strength of drag of his category, extraordinary power and weight in order of work of until 20 tonnes. Accionados By motors FPT Industrial that fulfil the norm Tier 4 Interim and with the exclusive technology SCR, the dozers Series M offer an excellent answer to the load and a high pair, as well as a lower level of broadcasts and a greater saving of fuel. The operator has the absolute control of the machine for a better adaptation to the conditions of the terrain, thanks to the personalización of the controls, like the sensitivity of the blade and the steering and adjust them of sensitivity of the transmission. With a new design of cabin displaced to forward to guarantee the maximum visibility and comfort and a robust chassis C for heavy operations of movement of earths, the dozers Series M provide durability and greater productivity in any condition of work.

New dozer 1650M of Marry
New dozer 1650M of Marry.

New loaders shovels of wheels Tier 4 Final

Marry launched the new loaders shovel of wheels 921F Tier 4 Final and achieved to optimise the best machine of 20 tonnes of this available type in the market. With the best useful load of his category, 7,2 tonnes, that allows to fill trucks with an useful load of 28 tonnes in alone 3 cycles, the new model 921F goes up the slat in performance, saving of fuel and ease of maintenance. Instrumented with a transmission ProShift, the model 921F offers until 10% more than saving of fuel, while his exclusive design of the cube of refrigeration protects the radiators of the dust and guarantees a constant temperature and an efficient refrigeration. The engine mounted behind ensures the access for the maintenance from the safest floor of his category. Available with a complete air-conditioner, the cabin offers an extraordinary comfort and a peripheral visibility without equal. The loaders of tyres 921F includes a solution without filter of particles (DPF), thanks to the tested technology of motors SCR with AdBlue, incorporated to the loaders of tyres of Marry from 2011.

Also stood out the 321F of the new Series F of midipalas wheel loaders of Marry. Entirely rediseñada to improve the manoeuvrability, the versatility and the performance, the new Series F has the tested solution to reduce the particles Tier 4 Final, that no precise maintenance, and offers a greater strength of start and capacity of elevation with a more compact design, what turns it into the ideal machine for the construction in general, the paisajismo and the supply of materials.

The new midipalas wheel loaders 321F Tier 4 Final will launch in Europe to finals of 2014, while it Marry it 921F that fulfils the norm Tier 4 Final will commercialise in 2015.

New loaders shovel of wheels 921F Tier 4 Final
New loaders shovel of wheels 921F Tier 4 Final.

Advanced efficient solutions for mini loaders of tyres and of chains

The mini loaders of tyres and of chains of Marry exhibited in Conexpo-With/Agg consolidate even more the commitment of the company to provide the solutions Tier 4 more advanced.

The mini loaders of tyres SR160 Tier 4 Final with radial elevation are referents in his category when providing more power and a pair of until 188 Nm. With his reduced dimensions, these mini loaders substitute the previous models SR150 and facilitate the work in the spaces reduced. Besides, the mini loaders SV185 of vertical elevation fulfil the norm Tier 4, but without need of filter of particles (DPF). The electronic technology common rail of high pressesure combined with a solution only with catalyst (DOC) ensures a level reduced of broadcasts and better provision. With an engine with 60 CV of gross power, the model SV185 offers now a higher pair and an operative capacity of until 885 kg. Thanks to the big offer of multipurpose accessories, the mini loaders of Marry are the ideal election for a wide range of applications, like the construction, the paisajismo or the agriculture.

The offer of mini loaders of chains of Marry was very exposed with the highest model of the range TV380 of vertical elevation with an operative weight of 4.625 kg. Instrumented with a technology of engine that fulfils the norm Tier 4 Interim, this machine designed for those demanding works that require the maximum strength of start and a high hydraulics capacity.

Minicargadora Of wheels SV300 of Marry
Minicargadora Of wheels SV300 of Marry.

Round table ‘Dire States' of Marry to revive the infrastructure of United States

The tour ‘Dire States' did a high in the stand of Marry in The Vegas. It marry it celebrated a round table that included to stood out figures of the government and companies to tackle the problems to which confronts the infrastructure in United States. The debate served like colophon to present the advances and the main conclusions of the tour ‘Dire States', a trip épico by road by all United States to the steering wheel of a 1949 Hudson, that exhibited in the stand of Marry. The project was cream of the collaboration go in Marry Construction Equipment and Dan McNichol, previous member of the White House, with the intention of concienciar to the public opinion of the scarce investment in infrastructure and identify innovative forms to improve the development of the sector.

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Case Construction Equipment (CNH Industrial Maquinaria Spain)

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