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They have registered more than 32.000 visits to the contest

Smagua 2014 strengthens like international platform of the hydraulics industry

Editorial Interempresas12/03/2014

The 21 Edition of the International Living room of the Water and of the Irrigation has closed on 7 March his doors after four days of intense activity with the assistance of more than 32.000 professionals, that strengthens to Smagua as world-wide referent in technology of the water.

With a total of 754 display units pertinent of 26 countries, of which 60% are foreign signatures, the most international ‘edition' has answered to the expectations of professionals and visitors that have trusted, in spite of the uncertainty of the market, in Smagua like revulsivo for the research of opportunities of business, like meeting to strengthen the commercial relations and like ideal shop window for the presentation of new equipments and services.

Smagua 2014
Smagua 2014.

Investigation, innovation, quality, professionalism and competitiveness are the keys of the success of a fair that, an edition more, has exhibited the new tendencies of the industries of the water and of the environingingment, endowed of a very high technological level. Like this they show it the 26 technical innovations that have presented in this living room linked to the treatment and management of the water.

During four days, the commercial activity and of business has been frantic with continuous business meetings that reinforce the international projection of Smagua. In this sense, a total of 215 pertinent delegations of 29 countries have participated in this edition strengthening like this the external markets, one of the most influential activities that develop in the frame of the international living room of the water.

The high presence expositora, the level of internationalisation, so much from the point of view of the display units as of visitors, the quality of the technical sessions and the technical innovations presented are the keys that indicate the strength and importance of Smagua that, during four days, has converted to Saragossa in the capital of the hydraulics industry.

Likewise, the most international edition of Smagua consolidates like platform of projection of the plans of development hídrico in Latin America, since they have presented projects and experiences of countries like Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala, The Saviour, Mexico, Dominican Republic, Argentina, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

In addition to the success expositivo and commercial of the sample, the high assistance of public to the technical days officials reflects the commitment and the backrest of the professionals of the sector that find in these sessions of work the ideal tool to favour the exchange of experiences and knowledges.

With the aim of concienciar to the population on the importance of the quality of the water, Smagua also has been witness of the international exhibition ‘The water is life', formed by 15 graphic posters elaborated by students and young of diverse countries.

In this sense, fits to stand out the presentation of Projects of Investment and Plans of Development in Latin America, framed inside the Forum Iberoamericano of the Water and of the Irrigation, where tackled , among others subjects, the planning, technology, management and innovation in the hydraulics sector. Likewise, in the frame of Smagua also has presented ‘The water that carries us. Writings from a grandstand', monograph promoted by the Grandstand of the Water during the Expo 2008 of Saragossa, that pretends to be a catalyst that activate again the Grandstand and promote his continuity from a double scientific perspective and business.

The university field has enjoyed of a space in this contest making possible like this a meeting point between companies and researchers for the diffusion of diverse projects of investigation linked with the thematic of the water of the Universities of Boroughs, Salamanca, Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona), Valladolid and the Offices of Transfer of Results of Investigation (OTRI) of Cádiz and of the UNED.

Smagua 2014

Smagua 2014.

In definite, this professional living room has answered, an edition more, to the needs of the professionals and expectations of the organisers offering a sample of maximum technological quality that reaffirms to Smagua like world-wide referent in matter of infrastructures and management of the water and of the environingingment.

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