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The company organises a presses conference during the celebration of the contest

Saint-Gobain PAM Spain took to Smagua 2014 plagada of novelties

Editorial Interempresas10/03/2014

The new revestimiento BioZinalium, a revestimiento safe designed to last; the board Izifit, that expands the possibilities of the range Blutop; the board acerrojada Vilok, designed for the range PAM Integral; the range of trampillones T-MAX, for the access and closing of networks of multiple uses; and the valve in passing cancel, that regulates big pressesures of discharge, are some of the solutions that has presented Saint-Gobain PAM Spain in Smagua 2014.

After the celebration of 21 editions, anybody puts in doubt that the International Living room of the Water, Smagua 2014, is the appointment ineludible for the industries of the water no only of our country, but also those that proceed of the European field. And all this fruit of the prestige purchased along these years, without forgetting his capacity like platform of business and shop window of reference in equipment, solutions and technologies advanced for the integral management of the water.

Stand Of Saint-Gobain PAM Spain in Smagua 2014
Stand Of Saint-Gobain PAM Spain in Smagua 2014.

The Fair of Saragossa is the space chosen for the celebration of this meeting, whose last edition developed of the 4 to 7 March. The high technological level of the innovations that present in each edition of the contest is a sample of the capacity of this sector that, still in the current economic moments, gives samples of development and solidity, heading the sectors that bet by the R&D like tool of future.

A year more Saint-Gobain PAM presented in the fair with important innovations, since it continues offering day in day out new solutions that are answer of the intense investigation that realizar his department of R&D. Given the repercussion of Smagua the company has done an important effort for giving to know in this contest his last technical answers.

Of this way Saint-Gobain PAM has presented five innovations that come to add to the extensive variety of solutions, and that centre , basically, in channelling in ductile smelting, accessories, registers and valvulería, that characterise by a spirit of permanent innovation, oriented to satisfy the needs of a market in evolution.

The five innovations that Saint-Gobain PAM gave to know in Smagua 2014 were the revestimiento BioZinalium, the board Izifit, the board acerrojada Vilok, the range of trampillones T-MAX and the valve in passing cancel, that regulates big pressesures of discharge.

Revestimiento BioZinalium, designed to last

The most important novelty that has presented Saint-Gobain PAM in Smagua has been BioZinalium, a new revestimiento safe designed to last. It is formed by 400 g/m2 of alloy Zinc-Aluminium enriched with Copper ZnAl(Cu) and Aquacoat, that conserves the active properties of the Zinalium taking advantage of the capacity bactericida of the copper, reducing like this the random risk of biocorrosión that gives in floors anaerobios or very rich in sulphates. The layer of finishing of this revestimiento is Aquacoat, that does not contain dissolvent organic neither bisfenol To (BPA), diminishing like this the broadcast of COV to the atmosphere and respecting the sanitary ware recommendations of exhibition to BPA.

Contributes durability, reliability and hygiene, thanks to that conserves the active properties of the Zinalium protecting of the global corrosion and to the effect bactericida of the Copper against the biocorrosión located.

Félix Saucedo, technical director of Saint-Gobain PAM, during the day organised for the technical presses
Félix Saucedo, technical director of Saint-Gobain PAM, during the day organised for the technical presses.

The board Izifit allows to join the range Blutop with plastic tubes

Another of the novelties that gave to know in the fair is the solution that expands the possibilities of the range Blutop, a pipe of ductile smelting with high mechanical properties, manuportable and of fast installation that adapts to any need. Of this way has launched the new range Izifit, a together multimaterial that allows to join directly the range Blutop with plastic tubes.

Is available in all the line Blutop of pipes, accessories and valves, that is to say, for networks of supply of drinkable water and connections on channelling to pressesure of PVC, PE and PVC-Or. This solution is available in diameters DN 75, 90, 110 and 125. The main advantage is that it substitutes to the contrabrida acerrojada Klikso that was testada alone for PE and PVC, and no for PVC-Or, by a ring acerrojado with insertos metallic. Besides it characterises because it presents an important angular deviation of until 6º.

The board Izifit and the board acerrojada Vilok were two of the novelties that more attracted the attention of the visitors...
The board Izifit and the board acerrojada Vilok were two of the novelties that more attracted the attention of the visitors.

New eases for the range PAM Integral

The range PAM Integral, that is designed for saneamiento by gravity or with pressesure, waters of domestic use and effluents between pH4 and pH12, expands the possibilities of the pipes and accessories with the board acerrojada Vilok, and allows to realizar installations acerrojadas of fast and simple form.

Vilok Is a new system of union acerrojada with insertos metallic that facilitates enormously the conditions of installation of pipes allowing substitute the macizos of concrete. It is resistant to high pressesures and accepts some angular deviation. This board is available for the range of diameters of 80 to 600 mm.

Vilok Has application in diversity of fields as they are water without treating, sanitary ware waste water, sanitary ware and pluvial mixed, and waters hidrocarburadas. Besides it can use for the sour effluents minerals and base (pH 1 to pH 13) and for the organic sour effluents and base (pH 3 to pH 12). The rubber of the board is realizar in Nitrile NBR satisfied with norm IN 598, IN 681.1 WG and is designed according to the normative texts NF IN 476, NF IN 752, NF IN 1610 and CCTG: Fascículo 70.

Trampillón T-MAX
Trampillón T-MAX.

New solutions T-MAX for the access and closing of networks of multiple uses

Complete, versatile and modulate, the new range of trampillones T-MAX is allocated to the cubrimiento, access and closing of subterranean networks so much for humid ‘channelling' (supply and saneamiento of water), as ‘dry' (wiring of telecommunications, optical fibre, electricity…). Both present under the public road in zones of utilisation according to classes D 400, C 250 and B 125 (shod and footpaths).

The range T-MAX has of three versions differentiated: T-MAX i D 400, trampillones formed by freamers and cover triangular to install in shod with traffic filmed; T-MAX i C 250, trampillones formed by angular frame of steel and cover rectangular to plant on arcenes, areas of parking or footpaths transitables with step of vehicles; and T-MAX Optimised C 250/B 125, trampillones formed by angular frame of steel and cover rectangular, equivalents to the previous version but in base to models optimised.

The annular valve regulates big pressesures of discharge

The annular valve regulates the discharge of a progressive form, even in the case of big variations of discharge or even when it require important falls of pressesure. The annular valve controls the discharge thanks to the axial trip of his obturador accionado by a mechanism desmultiplicador.

When existing the possibility to install electrical actuators, does that the annular valve can use in the systems of distribution of water TV-comandados.

The obturador displaces in a camera to pressesure compensated designed especially to avoid vibrations and overload hydrodynamic. The closing realizar in the steering of the flow so that the system is more stable when elder was the speed of the fluid or increase the difference of pressesure.

The internal profile of the valve is designed to minimise the cavitación. The flow pipes in a step of circular section that goes doing gradually narrower to the entrance to the seat.

The annular valve regulates the discharge of a progressive form
The annular valve regulates the discharge of a progressive form.

Related Companies or Entities

Saint-Gobain Pam España, S.A.

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