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Juba Shows in Sicur 2014 the high resistance to the cut and to the prick of the Alycore


3 March 2014

One of the big novelties that has presented Juba in Sicur 2014 is the range ‘Power Cut with Alycore'. Through different demonstrations with glasses broken, needles hipodérmicas, cactus and knives of kitchen, the company showed the big capacity of these gloves.

Alycore Is one of the materials anticorte and antipinchazos more resistant of the market. It composes of layers of fabric súperfinos of steel and carbon that do that the gloves offer an excellent dexteridad and touch because of his big flexibility. Already it was alone or in combination with other materials, offers a maximum level of protection.

Stand Of Juba in Sicur 2014
Stand Of Juba in Sicur 2014.
Alycore Is a strong fabric, light, flexible, transpirable, recyclable, lavable and easy to combine with other materials. It provides the maximum level of cut, perforación and resistance to needles, keeping a high comfort and big skill.

Alycore Combines and integrates technical and textile materials that help to develop products of high quality for applications of personal protection. It provides an excellent protection against needles hipodérmicas, knives, nails, wire, fragments of glass, fragments of metal, astillas wooden, cuttings and other objects punzantes, at the same time that offers comfort and performance.

The gloves manufactured with Alycore use mostly in works in contact with metal, glass, works of release, recycling and hygiene forces between other a lot of applications.

Juba Took advantage of also his presence in the fair to show the last references that has entered in his payment of gloves headed to the industry, as well as to show the rediseño of his web page, with a semantic searcher to facilitate the query of his extensive catalogue.

Expositor With the nueves gloves of Juba
Expositor With the nueves gloves of Juba.

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