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The next edition will take place of the 15 to 17 October 2014

Fruit Attraction Confirms also like key appointment for the auxiliary industry

David Pozo30/10/2013

The fifth edition of Fruit Attraction, organised by Ifema and Fepex, closed his doors the past 18 October with the participation of 35.000 professionals of 83 countries, what means an increase of 25% in relation to the announcement of the previous year. This professional event registered, equally, a growth of 13% in the business participation, with the presence of 674 display units of 16 countries. Some results that put of self-evident the interest and backrest of the sector of fruit and vegetables for promoting Fruit Attraction like commercial instrument that's that of meeting of this industry.

In relation to the number of professional visitors stands out also the increase of 27%, situating in a total of 24.829, of which 5.318 were foreign (+61%) of more than 80 countries. The pertinent of France, Italy, Portugal, United Kingdom, Low Countries, Germany and Poland meant 69% of the total of visitors of out of Spain, what confirms to Fruit Attraction like key appointment for the European distribution. In this line, fits to underline the participation of display units European, especially of France, Italy, Holland and Portugal, as well as the one of Chile and Peru, that assisted for the first time, and Brazil and Argentina, countries that already had participated previously.
In the national field, Fruit Attraction registered a participation of the main producing zones of the country, Andalucia, Murcia, Catalonia, Valencia, Extremadura, Castile and Leon, Castile-La Mancha, Aragon, The Rioja and Navarra. Once again, the area of producers registered the segment of greater representation that meant 69% of the offer of this event that also had an important weight of the auxiliary industry, with 31%.

The auxiliary industry follows strengthening his presence

The crop protection and the new varieties were very present in the pavilions 7 and 9 of Ifema, in which the companies of the auxiliary industry had a space that every year goes winning in number of display units. Syngenta encouraged once again Fruit Attraction, partly thanks to the show cooking that took place in his stand during two days of the fair. In concrete was the cook Juan Manuel Sánchez, almeriense of 25 years that has jumped to the fame after winning the first edition of the television contest MasterChef, the one who commissioned to do high kitchen with varieties like the tomatoes Kumato, Mini Kumato, Bambelo or Angelle, the pepper Angello, the Iberian melon or the courgette Times. The company wanted to resaltar the presence of Syngenta in each segment of the chain agroalimentaria, since no only works in developing the best genetic for the producer and all type of products for the vegetal health and of biological fight, but also it concerns to give solutions of sustainability, to offer services to the markets and the big distribution and to answer to the demands of the consumer, developing the new varieties that the market requests.

The chef Juan Manuel Sánchez used the varieties Syngenta to do high kitchen
The chef Juan Manuel Sánchez used the varieties Syngenta to do high kitchen.

Seeds Fitó took advantage of to show all the potential of his horticultural seeds and the most important novelties for the next campaign. The new varieties developed by Fitó had a lot of presence, especially the bet for recovering the authentic flavour and the quality of the vegetables. For Jordi Ballester, responsible of Corporate Subjects & Development of Business of Seeds Fitó, “the sector has valued positively our varieties of tomato Paladium and Egara, that begin to do a name between producers and distributors, as well as the cucumbers Jairán, Baezal and Mitre, or the specialitys like the tomato to hang Raspberry, the tomato multilocular Monterosa, or the pepper Zanetti, all they developed under the concept to recover the flavour that are carrying out with actions like the Signpost of Tasting that have created beside the Irta”.

In the stand of Fitó presented the varieties of cool product more stood out...
In the stand of Fitó presented the varieties of cool product more stood out, a special corner with products for the agroindustria and a ‘Delicious corner'.

The courgette was the leading vegetable between the novelties presented by Gautier Seeds in Fruit Attraction. “We are the mark that more types of courgette has, so much in forms as in colours”, affirmed Angelo Tjhie, responsible maximum of Gautier Seeds in Spain. “In addition to our already known varieties like Satellite, Geode or Floridor, have entered the long green variety Presses, for low crop plastic and seeds in August. The experience in this first year has been excellent”.

Bejo Iberian wanted to stand out the association between colour and health. The company presented numerous vegetables with pigments of natural colour, that serve, in addition to to call the attention of the consumer, like source of beneficial substances in the human metabolism. All this included in the conceptual line of flavour, health and suitability of the entity. During the days of fair realizar tastings of flavour of carrots of Nautics –colours, White Satin, Mello Yellow and Purple Haze–, as well as of beetroots of two different colours: Pablo and Boldor. They stood out also microbulbos of onion that contribute a value added to the productive process of this vegetable.

The specialist in biopesticidas Seipasa consolidated his presence in Fruit Attraction thanks to the presentation of the new global system R-free. During the three days of fair no only visited the stand of Seipasa his usual customers, but they did crowd of new contacts and reached “stood out figures of businesses”, as it confirmed the CEO of Seipasa, Pedro Peleato, the one who ensures that the increasing success of this event shows that “the agriculture in Spain has present and future, and is a concerning international level”. The message of Seipasa in this new edition of Fruit Atrraction caló deep. “In front of other companies of the sector that ensure to produce natural extracts, Seipasa manufactures biopesticidas with active ingredients recognised, declared and registered, from the Global System R-Free. This is what differentiates us: we offer a natural technology that covers all the phases of our process of production and guarantees the effectiveness of the treatments”. Like this resumía the commercial director of Seipasa, Vicente Iñiguez, the novelties that the company presented in Fruit Attraction.

Seipasa, that gave his own technical days inside the Forum Innova, presented in Fruit Attraction in new global system R-free...
Seipasa, that gave his own technical days inside the Forum Innova, presented in Fruit Attraction in new global system R-free.

Mc Bio, in his line of production of biofertilizantes with amino acids of animal origin, in that McBioFer is the product crashes, presented in Fruit Attraction a very ambitious project: the range McBrotamix. “Now we go a step further. Here we are speaking of an amino acid of animal origin very concrete, pertinent of the epithelium of the cow, very difficult to extract and elaborate, but with a lot of more quality in his origin. With this product culminate the amino acid regarding quality-performance of our mark”, explained the director of Marketing of McBio, Diego Martínez. This range has his more powerful version in McBrotamix Bull, in that this same amino acid complements with a high percentage of microelementos, and complete with McBrotamix Boron or Calcium, fertilisers corrector with amino acids also of animal origin.

The aim of Bayer CropScience in this edition was to consolidate his paper of strategic partner for the companies hortofrutícolas exporting. For this, the company has engaged with his project Food Chain Partnership, by means of which helps to agricultural employers to position his products between the European consumers. In Fruit Attraction, the company showed the more than 90 projects that already are carrying out in Spain, this year with novelties in different regions and crops like the cucumber and the pepper.


Atlantic Agricultural, that received the visit the last day of fair of a comitiva formed by 30 technicians and customers of his distributors of countries of east Europe; Group Agrotecnología, that participated actively in the Forum Innova presenting, of the hand of his commercial director, David Pérez Ansótegui, the results of the last essays realizar in the Centre of Evaluation of Rosario, in Chile, with Lecitec in frutales of bone, seed and in grape; or Haifa, that used all his potential of mark like company multinational and provider of reference of fertilizantes special, went other marks that stood out go in more than a hundred of companies of the auxiliary industry presents in this fifth edition, a figure that sure will keep growing.


In Fruit Attraction did not be the machinery for the horticulture

But no only the seeds, phytosanitary ware and fertilizantes were protagonists in the zone of auxiliary industry, also there was space for the machinery. One of the display units stood out was Roter Agricultural Machinery, that presented in Madrid novelties of his marks represented Forigo and Ortomec for manufacturing of floor, seeds and recolección. One of the big novelties presented was a strawberry invested that to his time does beds of plantation. According to Víctor Ibarra, manager of the company murciana, the model G35 of Forigo stratifies perfectly the floor, leaving the most weighed elements below and the finest in the top. “Of this form the plantation grows of uniform form and the water also drains by equal. At the same time that it stratifies the floor, does a table very very conformed so that sowing machines and recolectoras can work with greater ease. This machine realizar two tables at the same time, for example for plantations of lettuce, and at the same time credits and buries strip for irrigation by dripping”.

Roter Machinery carried to Fruit Attraction his last novelties for manufacturing of floor, seeds and recolección
Roter Machinery carried to Fruit Attraction his last novelties for manufacturing of floor, seeds and recolección.
For seed, Roter showed in Fruit Attraction the sembradora mechanical of precision Multi-Seed of Ortomec, apt for seeds it of different types of vegetables like rúcula, baby leaf/leaves baby, spinaches, parsley, chards, etc. Plants a total of 29 rows in a table of 1,80 m, that is to say with a distance between rows of 5 to 6 cm. And finally, in the section of recolección, also of Ortomec, Roter completed his presence with the table cribadora Selecta, with interchangeable holes for vegetables like baby leaf, rúcola, spinaches, valeriana, etc. With two widths of available work, 150 and 170 cm on 6 dishes cribadores, the version of field, mounted directly on the recolectora, results optimum for a selection of the product during the phase of recolección.

More than 1.500 assistants to the technical days

Of parallel form to the commercial exhibition, Fruit Attraction was also stage of celebration of multiple activities and conferences, that offered to the more than 1.500 professional assistants a space of debate and exchange of knowledges.

Between these, and like part of the space Fruit Forum, stood out the day Stone Fruit Attraction, organised by Fepex, whose aim was to put in value the production of fruit of Spanish bone. The day had the reports of two world-wide experts in fruit of bone, Carlos H. Crisosto, of the University of Davis, California, and Juan Carlos Zoffoli, of the Catholic University of Chile, those who analysed the last novelties regarding varieties and technical postharvest.

Fruit Attraction Received also a day on fruit and ready vegetables, titled 'Tendencies and Innovation in the commercialisation of fruit and ready vegetables in United States and Europe', and 'Constitution of the Spanish Forum of the Potato', organised by Fepex; in addition to other conferences and round tables, like the II Day Fruit Retail; the Global Event Gap tour 2013 Spain; the Day Connects 'A new stage for the fruit and vegetables'; between others.

On the same line, the Forum Innova offered the possibility to realizar presentations of the last novelties. Like this, in this space exposed subjects as 'How improve the efficiency in the logistics hortofrutícola', of the hand of Professional Logistics; 'Internalización on-line of alimentary companies' and 'Application of edible coatings in smart products to consume', by Xternaliza; 'hygienic Wash and control of rotten in the postharvest of the pepper' and 'Control of rotten and marked in citrus fruit. An industrial approach', both of Products Citrosol; 'Obtaining of fruit of free bone of waste of pesticidas', of Zerya Productions Without Waste; 'New biopesticidas. Present and future', of Seipasa; 'Services and projects of the PBA to the sector hortofrutícola national and international', Port Bay of Algeciras; 'alternative Procedures of control of illnesses of citrus fruit in postharvest', Decco Iberian Post Harvest; and 'Strategies of export of products hortofrutícolas to third countries', of the Embassy of Low Countries.

Related Companies or Entities

Roter Maquinaria Agrícola, S.L.
Syngenta España, S.A.U.

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