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The new pisones of Atlas Copco offer a handle simpler, fewer failures and more useful life


23 April 2013

The pisones LT5005 and LT6005 of Atlas Copco, in the class of weight of 50 and 60 kg respectively, are instrumented with Deep motors and have designed for works of compactación in spaces reduced. One of the main changes is his more compact design that facilitates his handle beside walls, around sticks or in resolve narrow.

“His design, joined to his reduced weight, improve really his handle keeping the same high level of efficiency in the compactación”, affirms Malin Löfgren, director of line of product. “The hygiene of the operario is also important. The effective construction of the empuñadura to absorb the vibrations keeps a low level of vibrations in the hands/arms”.

LT6005 of Atlas Copco
LT6005 of Atlas Copco.
The new roasts of handle, with rollers in the frontal and an only point of elevation, facilitate his handle and guarantees the hygiene in the place of work. During the elevation and the transport activates a blockade that avoids an unnecessary wear of the shock-absorbers.

The new and big filter of air can change without need of tools. Besides, it can instrument of optional form with an indicator of change of filter. The indicator reestablishes pressesing a button. Also it offers like option a counter of hours like help to realise a follow-up of the frequency of service.

“The use of reliable motors of four times facilitates the start and guarantees some low broadcasts of gases. And the same occurs with the control of acceleration, that offers three fixed positions and avoids an excessive wear of the embrague in addition to saving fuel when disappearing the risk to leave the accelerator to half gas. The valve of air acts now of automatic form what facilitates the operation”, concludes Malin Löfgren.

The pisones of Atlas Copco are tools of compactación versatile developed for works in floors cohesivos and granular in projects of, for example, repair and improvement of resolve, trenches, fillings and cimentación. They are easy tools to handle at all times and reliable in any condition, and offer the same efficiency of work independently of the moment and the frequency of use.

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